We always talk about us dachshund babies, but today we’re going to talk about our mommies. Mommies always take care of us, buy us treats and presents, but usually, no one knows what to buy for mommy. We live with mommy and we know what she loves the most in this entire world and that is us (because we are so lovable). But there are some other things mommy would like, too. We can help by spreading our knowledge about our human’s gift preferences. Now, now – do not worry about whether she’ll like it. She will because we are the ones suggesting it. And if mommy asks whose idea it was, then tell her it was ours, her cute little babies. Below are some gift ideas and we have provided amazon links so other humans could find gifts without hassle.

A T-shirt Full of Love That Says We Love Her And She Loves Us Back
And She Loves Us Back
Since our mommy loves us so much, she would want to show the entire world how much she loves us. And I think, along with my other dachshund buddies, that this t-shirt is a nice way of showing our love. It will keep mommy warm and it will remind her of us every time she wears it. Then she will come over to us and pet us a lot. A t-shirt will also go with her fashion style. While wearing it, she will never forget how much she loves us.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
Dachshund Little Ornaments
What could mommy possibly love more than her babies? Since she loves us so, so, so much, the best gift for her would be: little us! She can use these ornaments to decorate her Christmas tree or she could just keep them with her forever. These ornaments are very cute and small. Mommy would love to have these with her. If you have any doubts about whether mommy would like these or not, you can go read the Amazon reviews and see how much other mommies have liked them.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
Dachshund Blanket
You know what we heard mommy say to daddy the other day? She said she would like a big blanket with her babies’ pictures on it. And daddy said it was a bad idea (We do not love daddy as much as we love mommy). So, daddy might not buy mommy the blanket that she wants the most, but you can be our little heroes and gift our mommies a blanket that has our pictures all over it. Of course, it is not only for mommy – we will use it, too.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
Milk And Coffee Mug
You know what we did the other day? We will only tell if you promise you will not tell anyone about it. So… mommy was drinking her morning coffee, or evening or anytime coffee because mommy loves coffee so much. While mommy was having coffee, we saw a pretty bird outside the window and we got excited because we had not seen any birds since morning and when we ran toward mommy to tell her what we saw, mommy got excited too and broke her mug (Silly mommy). This has happened many (too many) times before; we always break mommy’s favorite mugs. Mommy also said she would not mind if her whole house was filled with her favorite mugs. So if you are still looking for gift ideas, you can buy mommy a mug.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
Jigsaw Puzzle
Sometimes when we are pretending to sleep so that mommy and daddy do not disturb us, we see them playing with a little piece-y thing. Sometimes, we even find little pieces of that piece-y thing and we try to chew them, but then mommy comes and takes them away from us. Yes, we resist but mommy is stronger than us and we do not like to make mommy mad. My other dachshund friend says that piece-y thing is called a jigsaw puzzle. His humans do them, too. He said that those things might be evil because mommy and daddy do not give us attention while they play with it. Fortunately, the puzzle my human has is not evil and they pay full attention to me. So if you are buying any human that piece-y thing, then make sure it is like the ones my humans’ have, and that it is not one of the evil ones.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
A Treat Jar
Mommy said she loves her babies so much and that she wants to buy a cute treat jar. Mommy gives us so many treats every day because we are always so good. We behave very well when mommy and daddy’s friends come over to visit. We also behave very well when mommy and daddy take us to the playground to meet our friends. We sometimes get jealous because mommy starts loving other babies. Mommy should not do that, though. We are her babies so she should only love us. To remind her of this, we sit on her lap whenever she sits on the sofa or anywhere we can reach her. See how good we are? And mommy needs a big place to put all those treats because we deserve them every time we are in her sight. Buy the best jar from here without a second thought.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
Gym Bag
Sometimes we worry about who mommy loves the most. Is it us or the gym? We hardly believe it is the gym because sometimes she does not go there and stays in all day with daddy and us. But whenever mommy talks about the gym, she gets so excited. My other dachshund friends told me that the gym is the playground for humans. There, humans play with all sorts of big thingies. We saw a gym once. It was huge. We do not want mommy to go there as it does not seem safe. But mommy says she needs to go, otherwise she will start gaining weight. We do not know why mommy is so worried about weight. Daddy does not care and we do not care so she shouldn’t either. But mommy does not listen to us. We love mommy no matter what (as long as she gives us many treats all day). Buy it from here before they go out of stock.
Check the availability on Amazon here.
This was a list of the most thoughtful gifts you could buy for a dachshund mommy. We hope that you liked our gift ideas and that we will soon get many treats for all of our hard work.