Dachshund Breed Info

Are Dachshunds Cold-Natured?

Are Dachshunds Cold-Natured?

We dachshunds have become a favorite breed to adopt when it comes to choosing a pet. This is mostly because of our big personalities, lively nature, distinctive look, and high intelligence. All these appealing characteristics, when combined with our endearing looks – the cute floppy ears and the big charming […]

Why Do Dogs Bark At 3 AM?

Why Do Dachshunds Bark At 3 AM?

Barking at night is one of the most common nuisance complaints that local authorities receive in urban areas around the world. A dog barking at the unearthly hour of 3 AM is certainly irritating for everyone within hearing distance. A study in Australia revealed that nighttime barking is common in […]

What Smell Do Dachshund Hate The Most?

What Smell Do Dachshunds Hate The Most?

Hi, I am Floppy, a cute little dachshund. I am going to talk about the smells that I simply hate. Compared to humans, dogs have a much better sense of smell. Canines can have more than 300 million olfactory cells that help us navigate the world. Humans have only five […]

Why Is My Dachshund All of A Sudden Being Aggressive?

Why Is My Dachshund All of A Sudden Being Aggressive?

Hi, I am Floppy. I am going to talk about aggression in dachshunds. We dachshunds are naturally aggressive, but this does not mean that we cannot be trained. Aggression may start as early as six weeks old. Shouting, punishing or hitting me at a young age when I cannot understand […]

Do Dachshund Cry?

Do Dachshund Cry?

Nobody likes their cute little dachshund to cry, but dachshunds do cry when they are separated from their owners. We need the love of our owners at all times, and crying, howling and barking are what happens when our owners leave us. When our owners leave, we suffer from anxiety […]

Why Does My Dog Stare At Me Constantly?

Why Does My Dachshund Stare At Me Constantly?

Have you ever wondered why your dachshund stares at your constantly? It is a funny feeling when you realize that you are being watched, especially while you eat, brush your teeth, or when you are sitting and reading. Even though it’s more disconcerting to be stared at by another person, […]

Do Dachshunds Know When They Fart?

Do Dachshunds Know When They Fart?

Believe it or not, many dog owners wonder if their dog knows when it farts. Recently, a dog fart study conducted at the Rochester Institute of Technology made the news. Researchers had supposedly trapped dog farts in jars and then measured brain activity when the dogs smelled them. This story […]

Are Dachshunds Cold-natured?

Are Dachshunds Cold-natured?

A Dachshund is typically lively and intelligent. It has a streak for independence. I am Floppy, a cute little Dachshund and I am going to talk about the general belief that Dachshunds are cold natured. The truth is that we are very people-oriented. But this may also result in separation […]

Do Dachshunds Prefer Other Dachshunds?

Do Dachshunds Prefer Other Dachshunds?

You may wonder how your dog will get along with other dogs. Many of us think pit bulls are the most aggressive dogs, but that dubious distinction actually goes to our cute little dachshunds. However, this does not mean that dachshunds are dangerous; they are not really dangerous. Aggressive dog […]

Do Dachshunds Like Water?

Do Dachshunds Like Water?

Hi, I am Floppy the dachshund, and I’m going to talk about dachshunds and water. First things first: we can swim. Many dachshunds simply love to be in the water. But at the same time, there are many of us who don’t like to even go near it. Owing to […]

Why do dachshunds feet turn out

Why Do Dachshunds Feet Turn Out?

A significant debate has been going on regarding the Dachshunds’ front feet and their ‘Queen Anne legs’ and if it is normal or not. The answer lies in the matter of degree. According to breed standards, the front legs of the Dachshund should either face forward or they can be […]

Dachshund Body Language Explained

Dachshund’s Body Language Explained

If you want to have a deep relationship with your dachshund, you need to understand his body language. In most cases, what we see tells us more than what we hear. With this in mind, let’s see what your dachshund’s body language has to say! What Does It Mean When […]

The List of Things Dogs Hates the Most?

The List of Things Dogs Hates the Most

Dogs are one of the best companions in the world, but owning a dog has many challenges and a big learning curve. Dogs aren’t just pets; they are life-sustaining family members. Two dogs are not exactly the same. All of them have hate and fear like us. As a human, […]