Do Dachshunds Know When They Fart?

Do Dachshunds Know When They Fart?

Believe it or not, many dog owners wonder if their dog knows when it farts. Recently, a dog fart study conducted at the Rochester Institute of Technology made the news. Researchers had supposedly trapped dog farts in jars and then measured brain activity when the dogs smelled them. This story was widely publicized on the Internet, but it turns out, the study was fake. Neither the researchers nor the journal exists.

Naturally, dogs cannot see their farts (although, owing to the latest advancements in technology, we can see what a fart looks like with the help of an X-ray machine), but it is true that dogs can see things that we cannot. Furthermore, a dog’s sense of smell is much better than that of human beings. It can even be described as a canine superpower!

Do Dachshunds Know When They Fart?

There are a lot of things that dogs can do better than human beings. At the top of the list is their sense of smell. A dog’s sense of smell is 100,000 times better than a human’s.

Dogs sniff each other’s butts because it is an easy way for them to exchange ‘business cards’. The reason for this is that the back end of each dog contains individual data like a fingerprint. So even if most dog farts appear the same to human beings, in reality, a dog is presenting his own signature scent.

Dog lovers have always accepted dog farts as a fact of life. They can be silent, but deadly or loud and proud, but they are going to happen. The only question is how much is considered too much? A dog should be taken to a vet in case he farts excessively.

Just like human beings, dogs also need to fart. The digestive tract of a dog can be affected by certain foods and bacteria that also affect human beings.

Genetically Predisposed

Although all dogs fart, there are particular breeds that are more disposed towards flatulence: Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boxers, or what are known as the Brachycephalic dogs, a technical name given to dogs that have short or flat faces. They take in more air and air that comes in must also go out and voila!

Dog Food and Gas

A lot of dog owners feed their dog scraps from their plate. By doing so, you may be perpetuating your dog’s toots and don’t even realize it. Some of the people foods that result in flatulence in dogs include: peas, soybeans, milk products, fruits, sugary items, high-fat foods, and spicy foods. If your dog eats large quantities of these foods, he will have digestive issues. A small piece of fried tofu is not going to hurt your dog, but giving him the whole block is certainly going to result in some epic farting and an unhappy belly.

Do Dachshunds Know When They Fart?

Ingredient Tolerance

In the event that your dog is lactose intolerant, then giving him dairy products is going to result in gas, indigestion or loose stool. Do not confuse lactose intolerance with an allergy. The symptoms of an allergy are itchy skin and a dull, flaky coat.

Sneaky Additives

Low-quality dog food might contain ingredients that cannot be completely digested by a dog, which may also cause gas. Certain additives can be present in commercial dog food, which can result in stomach problems. One of these, carrageenan, is generally used in wet foods and has been known to contribute to inflammatory bowel disease in test subjects. If your dog is experiencing digestive issues and he is not responding to other dietary changes, check the label of your dog’s wet food to see if it contains carrageenan. High-end brands usually avoid this ingredient.

Eating Too Fast

Many dogs like to gobble up their dinner in no time. This can also contribute to flatulence (The same is also true for humans). This condition is known as aerophagia or air entering the stomach at the time of eating or drinking. To treat aerophagia, you can use a simple trick: Place a tennis ball in the middle of the pitch of your dog to slow him down. Personal feeders can also be helpful in reducing your dog’s eating speed.


It is perfectly normal for a dog to have gas, but if he farts too much, take a look at his diet. You should also make sure that he gets a lot of exercise and stays away from table scraps. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on any unusual symptoms beyond mere farting.

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