Why Do Dogs Bark At 3 AM?

Why Do Dachshunds Bark At 3 AM?

Barking at night is one of the most common nuisance complaints that local authorities receive in urban areas around the world. A dog barking at the unearthly hour of 3 AM is certainly irritating for everyone within hearing distance. A study in Australia revealed that nighttime barking is common in hunter dogs, particularly in herding breeds. This means that barking during the night and waking up early in the morning are common problems exhibited by most puppies and young dogs. These issues may even be present in the case of elderly dogs, as well. All pet parents should come up with coping strategies.

In this article, we’re going to talk about strategies for dealing with your 3 AM barker and help restore peace in your household, and maybe in your neighborhood, too.

Why My Dachshund Barks At 3 AM?

Why Dogs Bark At 3 AM in The Night?

If your dog can’t keep quiet at night, or if your neighbor’s dog is regularly waking you up in the early hours of the morning, you might not care about why the dog is barking – you simply want it to stop. However, finding out why the dog is barking is important for dealing with the issue. Dogs bark at 3 AM for several different reasons. These reasons may include loneliness, separation anxiety, boredom, a need to go to the bathroom, a perceived intruder, old age/dementia, illness or pain. Naturally, resolving the issue depends on why your dog barks at night.

Young Puppies Barking At Night

A new puppy is a special thing. It also comes with its challenges. Puppies have poor bladder control and they can suffer from homesickness in the first few days and nights in their new home. It is normal for a new puppy to be noisy at night, especially if he has to sleep alone. He will also bark whenever he needs to be let outside to go potty. However, you should not count on him to let you know. He might cry a little, and if you don’t hear him, he will wet his bed. Barking at night can easily become a habit so it is important to address it right away. One strategy is to wake him up to go potty outside before he starts to bark.
Around 5 months-old, your puppy should start sleeping through the night until a reasonable time in the morning. Some may even reach this milestone a little bit earlier.

Dog Barking At 3 AM All Of A Sudden

On occasion, a dog less than one year of age may start waking up at night after several weeks or months of sleeping well. And by night waking, we mean, night barking. All dogs wake up at night, but they generally aren’t loud about it, and their bladder can hold potty for the night. Your dog may wake at night if he isn’t feeling well, or if a wild animal is exploring your yard. Another dog may bark and disturb him as well. Elderly dogs may start barking at night if they are suffering from health issues or cognitive decline.
Dementia is a common problem in elderly dogs. Studies have shown that 14% of dogs between the ages of 11 and 12 experience some level of cognitive decline; only 2% of those were seriously affected. In addition, deafness can cause night barking.

Stop Your Dog From Barking At 3 AM

Before you start working on preventing your dog’s 3 AM barking, it is a good idea to get him checked by a veterinarian. If your dog starts barking in the night, the first thing you should ask yourself is, Could my dog be unwell? He could be waking up during the night because of a bladder infection or an upset stomach.

Do Dachshunds See Ghosts?

Do Dachshunds See Ghosts?

Some dog lovers believe barking at night is normal canine behavior, and we know that dogs have better senses than humans and as such, the ability to notice a lot more things (for example, dogs can sense cancer or detect oncoming seizures). Dogs can even see things that humans cannot. Believe it or not, people have wondered if dogs can actually see ghosts. It is true that some dogs bark at night because they are afraid. Is it possible that a dog could be barking at a ghost?

Sorry to disappoint, but most researchers do not believe that dogs have supernatural capabilities. You can find plenty of stories about dogs responding to the possible presence of spirits, but there is no science to support it.  


There are many reasons why your dog is barking at 3 AM. For your sanity, and for that of your neighbors, it is worth figuring out why. If he is a puppy, he may need to use the restroom. Puppy or grown, he may be lonely or suffering a health problem; the latter is worth considering, particularly if your dog is older.