Do Dachshunds Like Water?

Do Dachshunds Like Water?

Hi, I am Floppy the dachshund, and I’m going to talk about dachshunds and water. First things first: we can swim. Many dachshunds simply love to be in the water. But at the same time, there are many of us who don’t like to even go near it. Owing to our short legs and long body, we are not the best of swimmers and a lot of us prefer to remain on dry land. However, there are certain ways in which you can introduce your dachshund to the water safely.

We dachshunds were bred as badger hunters. All of our characteristics and predispositions are tailored for the hunt. Some have reasoned that dachshunds are not great in the water because they were not really required to be very good in the water while chasing the badgers.

Do Dachshunds Like Water?

In general, dachshunds prefer land over water. Our personality traits are intelligent and playful, and we are not shy at all; for the most part, we are very courageous. But our enthusiasm fades when it comes to water. We can also be mischievous and stubborn, which is another reason why it may be difficult to get me in the water.

Can Dachshund Swim?

You won’t often see a dachshund approach the water and jump in. This behavior is more commonly found in Labradors, Golden Retrievers, and Water Spaniels. But you may find a dachshund who likes to go in the water, although it is not very common. More than likely, your dachshund will require some pressing before getting into the water.

Ordinarily, we don’t like to go in the water. Our body shape makes it quite difficult for us to become efficient swimmers. Whenever a dog is in the water, he will kick his legs as if he were running to prevent him from going under the surface. For most dogs, this movement propels them forward in a swimming motion. Most dogs simply tread water and they are not great at moving forward in the water. If your dachshund can swim, he’s going to become tired very easily. His short legs require a lot of energy when he swims. 


You may wonder if your dachshund can swim or not. The only way to determine this is to expose your dog to water and see what happens. This needs to be done carefully. It is very important that you do not throw your dog in the water in order to see if he can swim or not.

Do Dachshunds Like Water?

Training The Dachshund To Swim

To train your dachshund to swim, you need to follow a step-by-step approach. If you want your dachshund to become a good swimmer, you need to go slowly. Always remember that patience is the key when it comes to training your dachshund to swim. You should not stress your dog out with something that they really don’t want to do.

Exposing The Dachshund To Water

It is better to start this process when your dog is still a puppy since dachshunds become difficult to train as they grow up. First, take your dachshund near the water – a lake, a beach or a river flowing close by. You can take walks near the water, but not in the water. Be close enough to the water so your dachshund can wet his paws and also see and hear the water. There is no need to rush this stage.

Exposure to water without any risk is the best way of making sure that your dachshund learns how to be confident in the water. In this way, your dachshund will learn that water is nearby and it is nothing to be afraid of. When you start feeling that your dog is ready, try to convince him to get his paws wet, or even to paddle.

Do Dachshunds Like Water?

Shallow First

When your dog has started touching the water with his paws or paddling for a while on the side of a lake or river, and is not afraid of the water, you can start with the next step. In the next step, you can expose your dachshund to shallow water. Do not miss this important step; without it, your dog will suddenly find himself in deep water where he cannot feel the ground.

Make sure that the water is shallow enough so your dachshund can touch the floor while wading through water. You should also ensure that there are no currents, which may make it difficult for your dog to move freely in the water and he may become scared. By gently repeating this step for some time, your dachshund will likely develop a love for water (or at least some tolerance) while he can keep his feet securely on the ground.

Get In With Your Dachshund

The next step is taking your dog deeper to see if he is a real swimmer. It is a good idea for you to be with your dachshund during this step. A lot of places offer swimming lessons for dogs, too. Otherwise, you can take your dog to a calm lake or sea and get in the water with him. Dog life jackets are also available, and they are highly recommended.


In the end, it is very important to give your dachshund time to adjust to the water. If training your dachshund to love the water is not going well, you should take a break. Do not hurry the process; you can always start again after a few weeks or even months. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter if your dachshund likes the water or not. You’re always going to love him and he will also keep loving you.

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