Having a dachshund at home is the most joyous thing. They are one of the cutest dogs that you will come across and having a dachshund at home will multiply your happiness in multiple ways.
I am a dachshund, too, and I can tell you that I can ensure joy, happiness, and playfulness once I step into your house. As much fun as it is to have me in your house, there are a few things you should take precautions about. There are things that you can do to make living with you easier or more difficult.
Read on to make sure we both end up having a good time together. Keep me on my best behavior and at my healthiest, too!

Stairs and Their Threads
The first thing to think about it is the layout of your house. I am safest in a single floor home with no steps, but if there are stairs, then there are cautions you need to take on my behalf. Intervertebral disc disease, or IVDD, is a common spinal cord disorder that affects dachshunds. Going up and down stairs is highly likely to cause me to develop IVDD.
I am quite short, and as you may have already noticed, stairs are a little tricky for me to navigate. Developing IVDD is a gradual process. It does not happen all of a sudden and there is not one single immediate cause that you can point to. The disease occurs when the cushioning between vertebrae become hard, resulting in excruciating pain.
Research says that if I am frequently allowed to use the stairs before the age of 3, then I have a higher chance of developing IVDD due to the stress climbing stairs puts on my little back. However, if I am over 3 years of age, short stairs can help reduce the risk of IVDD. But then again, if you like to cycle and you want me to run alongside you, then you are putting me at risk for IVDD again. Basically, the idea is to avoid activities that put a lot of stress on my back so try to prevent me from making sudden, jerky movements whenever possible. This won’t be all that easy as I do love getting excited and playing around!
Allergies, Causes And Symptoms
I am quite a healthy dog, but I do fall ill once in a while and those illnesses usually involve allergies. Although I am healthy, there are a few allergies that can make me sick. And these allergies act up in different ways. They affect different parts of the body and are caused by different reasons.
When you bring me home, you should be cautious of what you give to eat, where you put me to sleep and where you let me hang out because certain things, places, foods, and scents can act as a trigger for my allergies. Below are some of the allergies that can afflict me, the causes and the symptoms as well as treatments.
One commonly occurring infection is a yeast infection. Yeast infections are caused by a yeast or a microorganism known as Malassezia Pachydermatis. This can enter my body through food, pollen, air or even water. The way to prevent yeast infections is to make sure that my food is fresh and the house is dust-free.
The grass in the yard I play in can be another culprit. So every time I come in from playing in the grass, check me my skin for any itchy patches. Luckily, the treatment for a skin infection is simple and a vet should be able to easily prescribe an anti-yeast medication or cream. Please try to avoid over-the-counter treatments. A trip to a certified vet is best. Other kinds of allergies that are caused by bacteria, yeast or fungi all come with different kinds of reactions and symptoms that you need to be cautious about. Excessive shedding is one of these symptoms. Clearly, our fur does shed in small quantities over time, but if you notice that there is an abnormally large amount of fur being shed, then there is probably an underlying infection or allergy as the cause. If my skin becomes too oily or greasy, there is also a cause for concern that needs immediate attention from the vet.
Ignoring these symptoms may lead to greater symptoms in the future, including restlessness and inflammation of the eyelids. These indicate that there is some underlying issue that needs to be taken care of. Another strong cause of allergies is fleas and other insects. Flea bites can do a lot of harm, even causing severe allergic reactions.
I must be given a clean bath regularly to steer clear of infections and allergy attacks. A clean house free of pollen, plants, and dust can prevent problems as well. Keeping my contact with these things minimal will help make sure that I stay safe and happy.