How To Potty Train Your Dachshund Puppy Fast

Although we are very cute, we are also notorious for being hard to potty train. In fact, statistics have shown that we are among the top 20 breeds that are considered the most difficult to housebreak. Although most dachshund puppies can be potty trained, there are some who can never be completely housebroken. In that case, a crate will be required whenever the owner is asleep or not at home. Keep this in mind whenever working with your puppy. Remaining patient is very important. You should never punish me or scold me for accidents. Instead, use positive reinforcement because you’ll be much more successful at potty training me.

Also, be ready to work with me on establishing a regular schedule. Puppies have small bladders, but you can teach them to potty outside. Yes, dachshunds are stubborn, but if yours is still pottying inside, it is likely due to deficiencies in his training. To ensure that your puppy gets it right from the first day, see the potty training tips below.

How To Potty Train Your Dachshund Puppy Fast
How to potty train your Dachshund puppy fast

Say No To Potty Pads

I strongly advise against using them at all. The reason is pretty clear. Potty pads are made for me to go to the bathroom in the house. This is exactly the opposite of what my owner wants me to do. Therefore, then they will have to phase out the use of pads, which can be difficult to do correctly. If my owner wants me to be able to go potty in the house because he or she is gone a lot, then litter boxes or those green boxes are best because they are distinctively different from the floor. This makes it easier for my owner to teach me that the floor is not the bathroom and it is fine to go outside or in the litter box.

Confined Space

How to potty train your Dachshund puppy fast - confined space

Until a dachshund puppy knows not to potty in the house, he should be confined. The reason is that dogs will not go where they eat and sleep. They are clean animals. Therefore, if a space is confined, it will help with housetraining. Crate training can also be very helpful. A crate can be described as a natural den. A dachshund puppy is much less likely to go potty in it, and at the same time, it also keeps him from chewing things in the house. Crate training also teaches a puppy to remain calm in a crate when doing so is required for travel purposes or to sit at the vet’s or the groomers.

Setting A Schedule

How to potty train your Dachshund puppy fast - set schedule

If I’m going to be fed at regular times throughout the day, it will be easy to set a bathroom routine, which will, in turn, make it easier to avoid potty accidents. Most puppies go nearly half an hour after they take their meal. However, each dog is different so pay attention to your dog’s timing. If your puppy keeps having accidents, you might be waiting too long to take me out after eating.

Dogs are more likely to be involved in reinforcing behaviors. You can give me treats, playtime, praise, a big party or anything that I enjoy. This will make me much more likely to want to go potty outside again.

Tether To You

If you are home and want me to be where you are, but you don’t have a good way of confining me, it is a good idea to tether me to you with a rope or a leash. Most potty accidents take place when the puppy wanders away from its owners and goes quickly before you notice where your puppy has wandered to. At the same time, it will also help keep your puppy from chewing on things he shouldn’t be chewing on.

Take them out

How to potty train your Dachshund puppy fast

We are small dogs and small dogs have small bladders, and small breed puppies have even smaller bladders. You should not expect your dachshund puppy to hold it for hours. It is simply not fair to your dog and may even result in an infection of the urinary tract. Always make sure to take your puppy out first thing in the morning and before going to bed. When the puppy is really young, you may have to get up in the middle of the night to take him out. You should also take him out immediately after a nap or after playtime. He should also be taken out after mealtime or when he’s had water. Any time he’s had a lot of excitement, including meeting new people or dogs, it’s probably the right time to take them out on a potty break. In general, puppies need to be taken out often.


Dachshund puppies are very intelligent and are always willing to learn. The question is not if a dachshund can be housetrained, but if an owner has the knowledge to teach the dog. Although it is not easy to potty train a dachshund, with consistency and patience, a dachshund puppy will be as obedient as any other dog. The key to success is to get down on your dog’s level so your dog can better see and understand what you want him to do. It usually takes no more than two weeks to train a dachshund to use the bathroom outside.

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