How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

In case the coat of your dachshund has started to look oily or grubby or if there is a doggy smell lingering across the house, you may be wondering if it is the time to give me a bath. If it has been a few months then I may be ready for a bath. The question is generally asked by dachshund owners, how often they should bathe their dachshund. Generally, it is sufficient to give me a bath every three months unless I have become dirty or smelly. While giving me a bath you should carefully lower me into the bathtub and supporting my back you should wash my body with a pH balanced shampoo and warm water. While doing so, you should avoid my head and ears. Then you can dry me thoroughly.

How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

There are certain things that you should know before dipping me into the bathtub, for example, if you’re going to need special shampoo and how to bathe me safely. You should also know what to do if your dachshund is scared of water. As mentioned above, we have to be given a bath once every three months. This advice remains the same whether your dachshund is smooth-haired, long-haired or wirehaired. On the other hand, if you give a bath to your dachshund too often, the natural oils may be washed away which makes my coat and nice and shiny and the result is that I will have dry fur and skin.

There are certain shampoos available that are completely safe for dachshund skin. These can be used regularly, but it is not generally necessary. However, if I have been rolling around in the mud or in something else that I should not have, you need to take me directly to the bathtub. In case of anything else, you can simply wipe me over with a damp cloth.

Do Dachshunds Have Sensitive Skin?

It is possible that I may suffer from a number of different skin problems. These include dermatitis, flea allergy, Sarcoptic Mange, and food reactions. However, a vet can easily diagnose these conditions and they can be treated with the help of medication or a modified diet. Some of the symptoms of skin problems present in me include itchy skin, hair loss, flaky coat or inflamed skin. Among the three skin conditions mentioned above, the most common is flea allergy dermatitis. Generally, it takes place in that action during the summer and the fall seasons when the fleas are present. If you notice that I am itching excessively or if I am biking or suggesting the base of my tale, it is a good idea to take me to a vet.

Use Dog Shampoo

You should always use a special doggie shampoo while giving me a bath. Generally, it should be a natural, fragrance-free shampoo. Similarly, you should also find the gentlest shampoo for the sensitive skin of your dachshund. As mentioned above, we are prone to skin issues. Therefore you should never use harsh soap while giving me a bath.

You should also not use normal shampoo for giving a bath to your dachshund. The reason is that these shampoos are much stronger and the pH balance is also wrong for the dogs. Therefore you have to find a special doggie shampoo that has the correct pH balance. Good dog shampoos can be easily found and you simply need to go to your local pet shop or they can also be ordered online. Always look for the shampoo that is recommended for sensitive skin or else you should go for the gentlest and the most natural option that may be available.

The dog shampoos are particularly designed for cleaning the coat of the dog and to freshen up the dog so that he may smell good. However, you should make sure that you have properly rinsed off the shampoo thoroughly so that the skin off your dachshund is not irritated by the soapy residue.

How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

Do Dachshunds Like Baths?

Sometimes, our owners may want to give us a bath. Generally, the dachshunds are scared of running or deep water. Therefore, if you are going to give me a bath, you should not fill it up and similarly, you should not expect that I am going to enjoy the swim. In the same way, you should also try to avoid turning the shower on full blast suddenly. Another issue that needs attention while giving me a bath is of slippery surface. In case you want to avoid me from twisting my back at all times, particularly if I have become nervous, you should make sure that I have secure footing while taking the bath. Therefore, while giving me a bath, it is a good idea to use a non-slip mat. It is also a good idea to play with me for some time in the empty bath. This idea is particularly helpful in the case of the dachshunds who are very scared of taking a bath. You may also give small treats to your dachshund at the beginning and end of the bath.

Although there are certain dachshunds who love baths, most of us, like a lot of other dogs, really don’t like to take a bath. Therefore, bath time can be a bit stressful, particularly in the beginning. This is particularly true when your dachshund really doesn’t like it and you feel that you are forcing the bath on your dog. Therefore, once you have got everything ready, you should take a deep breath and make sure that you are going to remain calm. And in case you are feeling stressed, your dachshund is certainly going to pick up on this and he may also feel anxious. On the other hand, it is a good idea to make the whole experience as relaxing and fun for your dachshund and also for you.

After you have given me the bath, you should pick me up carefully and put me on the floor. You should rub me with a towel and make me dry completely. In case it is chilly in the house or if I am shaking, you need to make particularly sure that I am completely dry. The reason is that you do not want me to get cold. If the dog allows, you can even use a hairdryer on low heat so that the process of dying up can be made faster.


It is a significant part of the bathing routine that you give me a nice treat after giving me a bath. It should be noted that most of the dogs do not like being bathed. Therefore, if I have been a good boy, you should certainly reward me with a treat. It is also a good idea to bring a lot of treats into the bathroom so that it can be turned into a positive experience for your furry friend.

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