Howling is one of several different forms of vocal communication that dachshunds use. We howl to gain attention, to make contact with others and also to announce our presence. Some of us also howl as a response to high-pitched sounds like the sirens of emergency vehicles or musical instruments.
Problems That Need To Be Ruled Out
If your neighbor calls to tell you that your dog howls when you are away, your dog is probably experiencing separation anxiety. Howling from separation anxiety takes place only when your dog has been left alone at home or is otherwise separated from you.

Generally, this type of howling is accompanied by at least one other symptom of separation anxiety. Symptoms can include: pacing, depression, destruction, or other signs of distress.
Medical Causes
Sometimes, we howl when we are hurt or if we are sick. In case your dachshund starts howling suddenly or is howling more than usual, take him to a vet so that any illness or injury can be ruled out before taking other steps.
Excessive Howling: What to Do
If your dachshund howls in response to a particular type of trigger, like another dog’s howling or an emergency siren, he will likely stop as soon as the other sound stops. Generally, this type of howling is not excessive, unless the triggers take place frequently. If this is the case, desensitization and counter-conditioning (DSCC) can be used to teach your dachshund to remain quiet.
When the underlying problem is tied to your dog’s feelings, teaching him to behave differently – for example, to go fetch something instead – won’t address the howling. If this is the case, you must look at addressing whatever is the main reason behind the behavior. You may have to change his feelings or motivation.
Systematic DSCC are common treatments that can be used to deal with anxiety, fear, phobia, and aggression. In other words, any issue that involves emotions or arousal. Generally, it is most effective if these two procedures are used jointly while dealing with the behavioral issues in your dachshund. If you believe that DSCC would be helpful for your dachshund, you must seek the services of a behaviorist or professional dog trainer. Before doing so, find out if the trainer has extensive experience and professional education in using these procedures.

Should I Leave My Puppy to Cry at Night?
Listening to your puppy crying at night can be very distressing. Puppies don’t like to be left alone. If they are left alone at bedtime, they start whining. Puppies also cry when they do not feel secure in a new environment. Not only will you feel bad for your puppy, the lost sleep may also disrupt your daily routine. Luckily, this behavior does not last for long and there are ways to address it. With some time and a little patience, soon the puppy will see that he has not been abandoned.
As is the case with human babies, puppies cry when they feel helpless and they have needs to be attended to. Puppies will also whine when they are in danger and require protection. However, he may feel like he is in danger when he has simply been left in the crate. If that is the case, try to imagine why a puppy feels as if he is in danger. From our vantage point, we put a puppy in a crate in order to protect him. But even if you know that he is not in danger, the puppy himself does not know this fact so he may still feel alone and frightened and as a result, he’ll cry at night.
A study conducted in 1977 considered the issue of separation distress in 24 young puppies. This research found that the most effective way to deal with separation anxiety in puppies is the company of human beings. Spending time with a puppy is actually more effective than placing the puppy with another dog and also much better than toys or food. Try to understand that your puppy needs you. However, this does not mean that you have to be around each other 24/7. Your puppy needs to learn to be alone, but the first few days in his new home is a different matter.
In the wilderness, small puppies are very vulnerable. There are predators for which the puppy is an easy target. Naturally, puppies require protection from their parents and older siblings. In general, dogs are pack animals and they look after one another. It is very important for their survival that they are not left alone unless they are in the safety of their den since puppies are so small and weak. For a puppy, a den represents total safety. When a puppy is brought into a new home, in his mind, he is leaving the den, his sanctuary so he can feel exposed and become very frightened as a result. Although you may have provided a cozy bed and a basket, the puppy is not going to feel secure immediately and when night falls in the new home, a puppy can be vulnerable to feelings of abandonment. For a young puppy, a dark house is full of dangers. If he starts howling in this situation, he may be feeling as if he is literally screaming for his life. The key to stopping a puppy from howling is to understand him.
Dachshund owners should ignore the attention-seeking howling of their dogs. Therefore, whenever I start making noise, my owner should totally ignore me in an effort to avoid accidentally rewarding me. You should not look at me, touch me or speak to me. However, try not to scold me, either. The reason is that we are like kids and generally consider any type of attention rewarding, even if it is negative. In this way, scolding can make my howling worse. You should simply pretend that I am invisible. In case you find this difficult, try folding your arms across your chest and turning away from me completely.
On the other hand, it is a good idea to reward me for being quiet. Therefore, don’t forget to pay attention to me when I am being quiet. You should randomly give attention and treats to me when I’m not making noise.