Do Dachshunds Make Good Apartment Dogs?

Do Dachshunds Make Good Apartment Dogs?

If you are a college student or an independent man living separately from his family, loneliness can make you depressed. A companion in such a situation can feel like an absolute blessing. Dogs are the best pals for humans and if you’ve decided to adopt a dog, you must first ensure that they are compatible with your lifestyle.

Does Size Matter?

It can be difficult for both a pet and owner to share a small space. Even two people standing in a small room can make it feel crowded. Adopting a small dog can help prevent this problem.

Dachshunds are available in a variety of sizes and make perfect house companions.

Do Dachshunds Make Good Apartment Dogs?

Standard Dachshund

Weighing anywhere from 16 to 32 pounds, standard dachshunds are not large, but larger than other dachshund sizes.

Miniature Dachshund

Miniature dachshunds weigh 11 pounds or less and can easily be carried in your arms.


A dachshund that is bigger than a miniature dachshund, but smaller than a standard dachshund is called a “tweenie.” Tweenies weigh anywhere from 11 to 16 pounds.
Miniature and tweenie dachshunds are good fits for apartments as they are small in size and do not take up much space.

Benefits of Adopting a Dachshund When Living in an Apartment

Free Entertainment

Many dog parents say that dachshunds have a large personality for such a small body. We can keep you amused all day long with our antics. We can make you laugh as we play with our toys and keep you company when you watch a movie.

Homely Vibes

Having a pet often gives individuals a purpose and helps them get their lives in order. Preparing a healthy meal for your dog and feeding them on time is essential to setting their routine. We can also give your apartment a homier vibe.
Coming home every day to an empty apartment can be annoying and when you have someone to come home to, you tend to appreciate the idea of going home even more. And when you have a dachshund waiting for you at home, you just love opening the door and receiving our love.

Lively And Independent

A dachshund’s personality is free-spirited and lively and their presence can bring warmth to your small apartment. We are independent and like to dominate our territory. You will have to teach your dachshund to see you as the leader so that life with him is peaceful and rewarding. You need to set rules and make sure that your dog follows them. Where to sleep, where to pee, where to eat, what not to touch, etc. are just some of the basic rules you need to establish for your dachshund. Making us follow these rules should come from a place of patience and firmness, and not frustration and anger.

We Don’t Need a Lot of Grooming

You need to bathe us every six weeks and not more than that. The frequency of brushing our hair will depend on our coat type. If we have a smooth coat, we need to be brushed every week. If your dog is a long-haired dachshund or a wire-haired one, then his coat will need brushing three times a week. Wirehaired dachshunds also shed old hair twice a year.


When adopting a dachshund, you must’ve wondered about the possibility of inviting a lot of doggy hair into your small living space. Worry not. We are not heavy shedders; we shed very little and it won’t be a bother.
If we start shedding too much hair all of a sudden, it could be a sign of a medical condition or skin infection and we need to be taken to the vet immediately.


A dog’s body odor in a small space can make the whole area stink. However, we do not have a naturally bad odor. If our teeth and our coat is taken care of, then we will keep smelling fresh.

Drawbacks Of Keeping A Dachshund In An Apartment

Big Bark

Dachshunds have a big bark. If we are not trained properly, then incessant barking coming from your apartment can become a reason for frequent complaints.

Difficulty in Housetraining

You might have to face a little difficulty taking us outdoors to pee and poop. Moreover, if you have a staircase that leads to the outdoors, you will have to pick us up and take us out; we are small and lightweight so it won’t be much trouble.
Buying a litter box and training us to use it may even be a better option that is worth considering. To keep your house from smelling of pee, you will need to clean regularly.
Living in close proximity increases the need for efficient housetraining. Training your dachshund can be a challenging task, but he is worth it.
Moreover, crate training us can be rewarding so both of us can enjoy each other’s company and then retire to separate spaces when we rest.


We are considered one of the most aggressive breeds of dog. However, to a large extent, our temperament depends on your training. Moreover, we also believe that we are superior to everyone. If you are unable to establish leadership over us, then we may become unruly and aggressive. If you use force or anger to train us, we can even snap at or bite you.

Things To Keep In Mind When Adopting A Dachshund


We are an energetic breed and if we do not get regular exercise, then it can lead to weight gain. Obesity can lead to severe back issues as our back is already prone to injury. Only adopt a dachshund if you can find the time and energy to take us out to play and jog.
If we sit at home all day, we can get bored. Boredom may lead to destructive habits and aggression.

Separation Anxiety

Dachshunds experience intense separation anxiety when they are left alone. If you have long work hours or you are out partying every other day, then adopting a dachshund is not a good idea. Moreover, with that lifestyle, you would need to reconsider adopting any type of dog. If you still feel the need for a four-legged companion, it would probably be a good idea to enroll us at a doggy care or hire a dog walker.


Dachshunds are loving dogs and need a lot of attention from their owners. Moreover, we need to be socialized from a young age if you want us to be friendly with other people and other dogs. If you have a healthy social life, we will be happy, too, if we are properly socialized.

Back Problems

We are prone to back problems. If the furniture and bed are too high and it will be difficult to carry us around where there are steps, then it’s better that you buy another type of dog instead.


We can make great companions. We can keep you happy and be there for you when you need us; however, you need to be there for us, too.

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