I know I am very cute and running around the house is my absolute favorite thing to do. Honestly, I look cute doing it. Running to fetch things is my passion and I want to build my career around it. If you have a lawn at your house and you leave me to play around in it then I can do it all day, but if you leave the gate open by mistake, there is a chance that I may get away, and Oh, boy! It can get really scary out there. There are so many vehicles moving and they move so fast, it freaks me out. So, putting a harness on me is always a good idea. It makes me feel safe and you can always protect me from getting into dangerous situations. I enjoy running around so much that I sometimes tend to run around mindlessly.

The Differences Between Harnesses
You probably know that dachshunds have a different physical appearance than your average dog. My body proportions are unique, making it difficult to get a leash or a harness that fits me properly. My legs are short than normal, so my body is lower to the ground. I have a large chest and a long trunk. Dogs also have an instinct to dig and it is especially easy for me because of my keel, or my protruding chest and rib cage. However, the size of my chest can make it harder to find the right harness for me. But never fear! Read along to find out how to find the right harness for me.
Collar Over Harness
Traditionally, a collar and leash were used to control me when out, but now technology has made advancements when it comes to harnesses. A harness is a safer and more convenient option to secure me in place. Certain health risks are associated with collars; they can put too much pressure on your dog’s throat, which in the long term could lead to tracheal collapse or a neck injury. A collar does not go a great job of distributing pressure to multiple points, but a harness does exactly that. For tiny dogs like me, in particular, the harness does a fantastic job so there is no fear of sustaining any sort of injury .
You can get this harness on Amazon here.
When you pull a harness, it can tighten around my forearms, causing irritability and discomfort. If I tend to pull a lot, then there is a slight risk of injury. However, you can minimize even this slight risk and avoid irritability and discomfort by making sure a harness is compatible with my body. When going for a certain type of harness, you need to check that fits it perfectly.
If you want to ensure that I am completely comfortable, then you can opt for a harness option that is a little on the expensive side, but it will surely be worth it. This particular harness has longer coverage on the back, which guarantees more evenly distributed pressure throughout my body. These harnesses also come with a handle that will help you when you want to carry me across the road or over a puddle and such.
Whatever harness you choose to buy, make sure to check the size and remember to get my measurements so you know what the right fit is. Measurements are very important because when the harness becomes tight around my chest, it can become difficult to breathe and eat. Any tightening or loosening in the neck or the forearm area can cause difficulty for me and even for you.
You can get this harness on Amazon here.
To ensure my optimum comfort, first, measure my neck, and then measure my chest. When measuring my chest, allow a little bit of space for me to breathe. My chest must be measured for its length, breadth, and width across my body. Although harnesses can usually be adjusted to a certain extent, it is always best to get a harness that fits according to my measurements. A tight harness can rub my skin in a painful way. And if it is too loose, then I may try to get out of it, leading to agitation for everyone.
Harnesses - Different Materials
Nylon Harnesses
Nylon harnesses are inexpensive and easy to use. They are also long-lasting. Coming in different colors, they can be quite eye-catchy as well.
Mesh Harnesses
Mesh harnesses are good in hot weather since they provide ample air circulation. Luckily, they are no expensive because they do not last a very long time.
Fabric Harnesses
Fabric harnesses are mostly used to dress me up for special occasions. I look really fancy in them. These fall under the ‘a little expensive category’, and they are very easy to clean.
Leather Harness
One of the most comfortable harnesses is the leather harness. It is quite durable, but there is one problem with leather harnesses – I might start chewing on the leather. Otherwise, leather harnesses are one of the most suitable options for dachshunds.
There are different types of harnesses that you can choose. It is a good idea to mix and match different types, using them for different occasions. But before choosing any harness, the most important thing is to take my measurements and buy a harness that fits well. This will provide optimum comfort for me (and for you!).
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