Dachshund owners, especially new owners, are often concerned about how much sleep their dachshund needs. Either their dog keeps dozing off during the day after a full night’s sleep or he simply yawns when his owner is trying to interact with him. This can be puzzling considering the dachshund’s reputation as a highly energetic and lively animal. An owner might wonder if the long hours of sleep are a sign of laziness or illness.
Another dachshund sleep question you may have is: “Is it ok for my dog to sleep in my bed?” I need 12 to 14 hours of sleep to maintain my alertness and jovial nature. The amount of sleep I need may also depend on my age and level of activity, which is different for each individual dog. Furthermore, any change in my sleeping pattern may indicate health issues.

Lastly, there is nothing wrong with sharing your bed with me as long as you keep in mind certain basic factors.
Duration of Sleep
Generally, we tend to sleep a lot. Some dachshund owners have reported that we spend nearly 70% of the day sleeping. However, this is not abnormal at all for dachshunds. On average, most of us need at least 12 to 14 hours of sleep. Our sleep pattern is one reason for this, but it also depends on a dog’s lifestyle.
It is also natural for us to preserve our energy, meaning as soon as we become bored, we go to sleep. Sometimes when I fall asleep, it might be because there isn’t anything interesting to do, and not that I’ve become a lazy butt. If there is nothing or no one to play with, I may decide to go to sleep. On the other hand, if I have something fun to do, I won’t go to sleep as often. It’s also important for me to be engaged during the day because if I sleep out of boredom for the better part of the day, there is a good chance that I will be restless and sleepless during the night. In addition, if I don’t sleep well at night, I will sleep more during the day, and this undesirable cycle will begin.

The Effect of Age
The amount of sleep I need also depends on my age. Generally, puppies and older dogs may need up to 18 hours of rest. As I grow older, I may start to lose stamina so I may require extra rest after some physical or mental exertion. It is also important for dachshund puppies to maintain a balance between exercise and stimulation and getting enough rest. That way, I can grow into a healthy and well-adjusted adult dachshund.
A new dachshund puppy is going to be restless in unfamiliar surroundings and may not always lie down and sleep, even at nighttime. Puppy parents will need to be patient. Dachshund puppies are particularly sensitive and they may need to be cuddled so that they can go to sleep. In cases where two or more puppies sleep together, you may have seen that they like to sleep close together. In addition, a newly-adopted puppy may benefit from going to sleep at the same time as his parent so that he will become familiar with his new environment. This way, a puppy parent can also introduce a sleeping schedule that will help puppy get used to your lifestyle.
Sleep Pattern
Most of us know about rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and that it is essential to waking up refreshed. In general, humans spend 25% of their sleep on REM so 8 hours of sleep is sufficient for us. However, dogs only spend 10% of their sleep on REM. This shorter period for REM sleep is why dogs have to sleep nearly 12 to 14 hours.
Sleeping Positions
Most dachshund owners are familiar with the image of their dog lying flat on his back, paws up in the air, absolutely no care in the world. Some even think that we know how funny we look lying like this and that we do it deliberately so that you love us even more, but I really sleep like this when I am totally at ease. It exposes my stomach, making me vulnerable, and it can also be an invitation for a belly rub.
Other than being a sign of confidence and comfort, sleeping on our backs also helps us cool down, particularly after a session of vigorous exercise. Another benefit to this position is that my owner can check if there are any scratches on my lower parts or if my paws show any wear and tear.
As we all know, my back is a very sensitive part of my body. If I have any issues with it, I will avoid going on my back on my own or I may have to be gently discouraged from doing so. Furthermore, when I am healthy, I will sleep peacefully throughout the night, provided that my owner has established the right habits. If this is the case, I will be interested in being active during the day, even if I take power naps to regain my energy. The best way of ensuring this is to involve me in physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day and at the same time, keep me mentally stimulated and shower me with a lot of love.