We dachshunds are an amazingly cute and loyal breed. We are capable of love very much like humans and in our big animated eyes, one can almost see that love swimming. If you ask me, I think our cute characteristics have made humans a fan of my breed, too. I mean, isn’t it pretty much evident from the number of movies that feature us?
However, the confusing part is why do humans go all mushy and teary-eyed while watching us in movies? I mean, at least my human seems to have a leakage problem every time she watches the Ugly Dachshund or the Secret Life of Pets. And for the next two days after that, she showers me with love and treats me as if I am her most cherished possession in the world – not that I am complaining or anything.

But owning a dachshund and nurturing a caring human-dachshund bond with your four-legged friend are two different things. In order to create a special bond with your cute little pet, it is important to train and understand him. But since us dachshunds, just like any other breed, have our flaws, we are quite hard to train. And that is why you need some extra help while training us.
Where can you get that extra help? You can always follow a guide. Thankfully, there are multiple guides that have solutions to every dachshund-related problem. You can follow these guides whole-heartedly to understand our nature and to try and train us. However, there are many books available on the market, so selecting one that is actually helpful can be a difficult task. But don’t worry – that is what I am here for. In this article, I will aid you in selecting a guide that can prove helpful in training and understanding a dachshund. Come, let’s see!
Everything Dachshund Book: A Complete Guide To Raising, Training And Caring For Your Dachshund
This guide by Joan Hustace Walker claims to be a complete guide that can offer you important lessons on training, raising and taking care of your dachshund. The guide contains everything that you might want to know about your canine friend. It can tell you about your dachshund’s health, for example, how to keep him in perfect shape, and also what diet you can follow to ensure that; how to groom him into a well-disciplined dog; lessons on disciplining and rewarding positive behavior; and some tips on how to take care of your dog when he has entered his later years.
If you read this guide and follow its lessons, then it will be easier for you to take care of your little friend. Furthermore, this book will further help you in understanding us dachshunds and in developing a smooth, cozy relationship with your pet.
Get it on Amazon here
Miniature Dachshund: Miniature Dachshund Dog Complete Owners Manual
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This interesting book written by George Hoppendale and Asia Moore is one of the best books on dachshunds out there. Read this book before deciding whether or not a dachshund is the right addition to your family. Every family is different and there is a perfect dog breed for each one. By reading this guide, you can learn about us, even little known facts and secrets. This manual is informative about our transition through housebreaking, care, feeding and end of life. The information will help you make an aware and well-informed decision regarding whether or not you want a dachshund for a permanent roommate.
Furthermore, if you already own a miniature dachshund and you are looking for help in the training department, then in this book, you will find lessons regarding temperament, daily care, medical care and safety, health, housetraining, grooming, caring for an aging dog, etc. This book is a terrific source.
Dachshunds: The Essential Guide
This book by the editor Robert Duffy is a great aid when you have adopted a dachshund, but you don’t happen to know much about the breed or about dogs in general. The guide will offer you a step-by-step analysis of our breed and will inform you about the big and small things you need to know about us.
It will also teach you all the essentials, such as microchipping, vaccinations, weight, and insurance. Also, it will offer you info on every phrase of our life, like how we are as puppies and what you need to do in order to ensure our safety and care at that age; what changes we go through as we become teenagers, and how to take care of us at that point; and lastly, about the diseases and issues we become prone to during old age.
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This guide will aid you in figuring out healthy feeding and exercising habits for your dog, and what foods and plants we shouldn’t be near because they are dangerous to us. It also offers invaluable lessons on health issues and first aid for dachshunds. And the good part is that all this information is provided in everyday language that makes it easy for a reader to grasp everything in one go!
Dachshunds - The Owner's Guide From Puppy To Old Age - Choosing, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training, And Understanding Your Standard Or Miniature Dachshund Dog
Get it on Amazon here
This guide combines the experience of forty expert dachshund breeders, along with a top dog trainer. Their insight, tips and advice will bring you only the best answers. Full of useful quotes, it attempts to answer all your frequently-asked questions in a simple and easily understandable manner. The book has a detailed explanation about dachshunds, our habits and our history. It educates owners on how to take the best care of their four-legged companion and to train him in the best manner possible. It explains how to start on the right foot with a dachshund and also tells you how to right the wrong, even if your dachshund has already started with the wrong behavior.
The book covers two main sizes dachshunds – the standard size and the miniature dachshund, and it shows you the best ways to keep us healthy and to ensure that we live a long and fulfilling life. The best part about buying this guide is that it comes with three interviews of expert breeders sharing their experience.
These books are some of the best examples of guides that are available out there. You can use any of them to help groom your dachshund and to ensure that you form a strong, caring and loving relationship with him.
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