Easy Steps to Make Your Dachshund Behave

Easy Steps To Make Your Dachshund Behave

Bringing home a dachshund puppy is super exciting, and at the same time, can feel like you’re bringing home a wild animal. Your new puppy has a lot to learn about the world around him; he also needs to learn how to interact with human beings and other animals as well. It is your responsibility to teach him manners and the correct way to interact with other dogs and with people. He will need your guidance when reacting to different sights and sounds and all the other things he will encounter in everyday life. There is not a lot that can be expected from a puppy in the first week or so when he is simply learning to trust you and adjusting to his new environment. Still, there are some important, easy things that you can teach your puppy right away.

Easy Steps to Make Your Dachshund Behave

Ensure the Puppy Knows Its Name

Practicing the name game with your puppy is very important. You might have even changed his name since you got him and he may not be used to it yet. He is also learning the different tones of voice that you use. Even if he knows his name, he may not be used to hearing it from your mouth. All training commands, as well as becoming successful roomies, depends on making sure that your puppy knows his own name. You can get your new pup’s attention by using his name and giving him a treat whenever he turns his head toward you. Next, he should not receive his treat until he has given you his full attention. Use his name when he is next to you, and also use it to call out to him when he is further away.

Training Not To Bite

Puppies tend to bite a lot because it is one key way that they learn about the world. They also communicate by using their teeth and mouth. Although his teeth may seem small, you will see that they are quite sharp and can hurt after experiencing several nips. Biting will seem like a fun game to him so you must teach him that full use of his teeth is not permitted. It is not acceptable behavior at all. Your pup needs to learn that he can still play and explore by using his mouth, but that he must do it gently. One technique to teach your dog is called bite inhibition. With this, he is taught to play with his mouth and teeth, but to control the force of his strength.

Your dog needs to learn that certain things are appropriate for biting, like toys, but that other things, like other dogs or fingers, are inappropriate for biting. Another method to try is to redirect his attention to a treat or toy when he tries to bite human skin. Interesting toys also provide an outlet for your dog’s natural curiosity. Furthermore, when he releases a bite without being told, you should reward him with a treat. In this way, he will learn that good things can happen if he stops bad biting behavior.

Easy Steps to Make Your Dachshund Behave

Exposing the Dog To Different Smells, Sights, And Surfaces

This is also known as socialization, which helps your puppy get used to different sounds and textures in the real world. Take your puppy outside where he can experience different sights and sounds and smells. For example, carry him in a sling around the neighborhood, on the bus, and also to dog-friendly restaurants.

Walk on Different Surfaces

Teach your dog to walk on various surfaces. If you don’t, he may end up refusing to walk on a metal surface or freak out whenever he has to step on a wooden floor. You can do this by laying out things like a towel or a wooden plank, a plastic or metal plate or a metal cooking sheet. You should also allow your puppy to sniff them. Every time he shows interest in a new object or surface, you should reward him with a treat, particularly if he touches it with his paw or steps on it.

It is also good to prepare your puppy for nail trims. Show the nail clippers before doing so and during, or at least place them nearby where puppy can see them.

Remain Patient

While teaching your dachshund to behave, it is very important for you to remain patient. However, if your dachshund resists training or does not respond properly to your discipline, it is a good idea to get professional help. You can get advice from your vet or ask him or her to recommend a canine behaviorist or a professional trainer. Under these circumstances, you might also consider enrolling your dachshund in an obedience training class.


Once your dachshund puppy has started to understand these first lessons, it is the time to teach him some more advanced commands. You might even consider taking puppy classes. In fact, you can enroll in these classes before we are brought home. They can help you learn how to communicate effectively with your new pup.

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