Will My Dachshund Calm Down?

We are a very energetic breed – probably a little more than you can handle sometimes. But, surely, you see our loving nature and the excitement we feel when we see you.

Ok, if you really want to know how to make us chill out and stop jumping around and all, follow what I say. It is simply a matter of removing the factors that make us over-excited and establishing a protocol that can help you manage us when we become out of control.

It is not as tough as you may be thinking. Though this may depend on the individual personality and needs of your pet, there are a few key things that are universal to all of us.

Will My Dachshund Calm Down?

Exercise us

We love to exercise and we have the energy for it. Exercising will help us calm down. As a rule, you should walk us at least 30 minutes every day. If you cannot walk me, then give me toys to play with. I will run around the house playing with the toy, pleasing myself, while using up my fun batteries. Establishing a regular routine also helps. When you establish a routine for us, we know what to expect at a certain time of the day. Regular exercise makes it so I look forward to things that I can expect from you and I then feel secure. This goes a long way to managing my anxiety and I can remain in a happy state all day.

Make Sure We Sleep Well

We love sleeping in warm, quiet areas. It helps us regain the energy we lost throughout the day. No, we are not going to use this replenished energy to trouble you. Instead, regular, high-quality sleep will make us stress-free and happy and we are more manageable. You should place fresh water near our bed so that we can have our fill if needed during the night. Our bed should also be comfortable and you should keep a few objects we really love near us, in case we start feeling lonely at night. Otherwise, we will come running straight to you. Young members of our breed need a good eight hours of sleep to remain healthy and feel fresh. You should make sure that we are not disturbed by bright lights or any distracting sound, like television. If that doesn’t happen, we might become easily irritated the following day.

Will my dachshund calm down?

Establish A Routine In Calm Time

Even a wildly energetic dog such as a dachshund has times during the day in which he will be really quiet. It is not tough to figure out when. We are naturally calm before going to sleep. We are also calm after coming home after a walk. And we are also calm after you come home – after a certain amount of time, that is. These are small windows of time that, if you think about it, make up a big enough portion of the day. What you need to do is manage these time periods really well. Reward us with treats and your attention if we behave well. Find ways to discourage unwanted behavior and keep repeating them. If you find my kind excited during these hours, don’t forget to discipline us firmly with command words like ‘no’. It will help to establish a general rule that these are calm hours and nobody is supposed to disturb that. Eventually, it will become part of my training and I will have internalized it.

Train Us

With appropriate training, you can teach us to control our behavior and understand our limits. Usually, a professional trainer works best. They know how to train us fast and make us remember our training forever. However, if you cannot hire a professional trainer, you need not worry. There are simple training tactics you can adopt to train us sufficiently. Always remember that consistency is the key to all types of training. For example, a clicker is a simple training instrument. It is a harmless device that works fantastically. Your dachshund can learn to respond to the sound of the clicker you control. By recognizing the pattern and length of the clicker sound, we will make changes in our behavior. There are many other simple training tricks available online. I have also posted a few of them here on my website.

Check For Medical Issues

While we do not fall sick that easily, we could have a medical issue that prevents us from chilling out. Taking us for check-ups every six months is a good habit. It may also be that we really love you and may get really anxious if you haven’t been around or you’ve been neglecting us for an unreasonable amount of time. In severe cases, our anxiety might require medical intervention. A veterinarian will be able to prescribe simple anti-anxiety medications if necessary. During these visits, a vet can also check for other possible issues.


Although these are great tips, remember that this is not an exhaustive list. There are a lot of other simple things you can do to help us calm down, ranging from crate training to making chew toys available to us. You can learn about them on my website as well.

You should also understand that deep down in our core, we are hunting dogs. For this reason, you may find us disproportionately loud compared to our size. But there is nothing your love and patience can’t fix. The more you understand your dachshund, the more easily you will be able to calm him.

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