It can be difficult to find clothes that fit me properly. As any dachshund owner knows, our breed has a very odd body. We have very long backs and short, stumpy legs. For this reason, finding clothes that fit me well can be a tough task. Most designers of dog fashion don’t consider the particular shape of dachshunds, but you can find clothes and other outdoor gear that has been designed especially for me.
Why do I need clothing? Although dogs have fur that protects us from the elements, we are not very fond of cold weather, particularly smooth-haired dachshunds.
As such, it is a great idea to get a dog jacket for me, to keep me warm in cold weather. It is also very important for puppies, smaller dogs, and elderly, ill or recovering dogs to maintain body heat. Other good reasons for buying me clothing include: improved visibility during night walks, cleanliness and waterproofing. Clothing can also help me when I’m recovering from wounds because it prevents me from scratching, licking or chewing.

Dachshund Coats And Sweaters
These coats and sweaters are custom-made for me. My owner can select from a wide range of stylish dog coats and dog jackets. These clothes are waterproof and come in the options of lightweight or heavyweight. They also come in a wide range of colors and fabric designs. These custom-made dachshund coats are made by dachshund lovers for dachshund lovers.
Like several other purebred dog breeds, I also have some special needs that are the result of my unique shape. Rain and snow can present a significant challenge for my short legs.
Apparel designed for dachshunds is often funny or cute, but my clothes should also be designed with functional health purposes in mind as well. For example, a jacket, sweater or a winter coat is perfect for me when it provides comfort and safety.
Warm Thermal Quilted Dachshund Coat available on Amazon here. Warm Winter Coat available here.
Knitwear Dog Sweater available on Amazon here. Cute Knitted Classic Dog Sweater here.
Miniature Dachshund Outfits
Owners of miniature dachshunds worry about taking their pup out in the rain or cold weather. Luckily, there are many companies that offer comfortable, quality apparel for miniature dachshunds. Miniature dachshund gear is available in long-lasting, comfort stitched fabrics. Next time you and your dog encounter cold weather, your dachshund will be prepared and protected with perfect fitting gear.
Hoodie Warm Coat Sweater available on Amazon here. Security Printed Pet Hoodie – get it here.
Dachshund Raincoat With Hood
Some of us have a higher tolerance for nasty weather than others. We can be fearless, rough and tumble, and always ready to go outside in any type of weather, while others refuse to even go out if the sprinklers are on. Still, dogs at both the ends of the spectrum can enjoy the protection provided by a good raincoat or slicker. Raincoat keep me drier while walking in bad weather. Several dogs, particularly small breeds like dachshunds, do not like to get wet. Some of us may even refuse to go potty in wet weather. But when we are protected by a good raincoat, we become more confident about going outside in the rain. And hey, you can also avoid wet dog smell in your home!
Raincoat with Reflective Bar – check it on Amazon here. Raincoat with Reflective Buttons and Pockets and Removable Hood available here.
Raincoats Keep Me Cleaner Even While Splashing In Puddles
Along with getting wet, I also get dirty walking around in the rain. A raincoat can help keep away mud and muck from getting on my fur. This way the house will be cleaner, too, and I won’t require more baths than necessary. A raincoat will keep me warm, protect me from wind, and will also minimize the risk of me developing hypothermia.
Underbelly Coat
Have you been looking for a dog coat that can cover my tummy so that it can be kept clean, dry and free from mud? Thankfully, several companies have created a waterproof underbelly coat for dogs like me who have a hairy tummy and short legs. A unique, stretchy and waterproof underbelly material that allows me to run as freely as ever (and is also practical and stylish) to the rescue!
Dog Coats Make The Dog More Visible
Some dog raincoats are also really adorable. This alone is a good reason to purchase one for me. Furthermore, remember that not all the benefits mentioned above are offered by every raincoat or jacket. If you decide to buy a cheap, low-quality raincoat or jacket, we will both get frustrated when it fails to perform or does not fit properly or does not last long.
Luckily, there is a number of high-quality dog raincoats and other gear available that can make my wet weather walks more enjoyable. So what are you waiting for? Let’s take a walk!
Some dog raincoats are also really adorable. This alone is a good reason to purchase one for me. Furthermore, remember that not all the benefits mentioned above are offered by every raincoat or jacket. If you decide to buy a cheap, low-quality raincoat or jacket, we will both get frustrated when it fails to perform or does not fit properly or does not last long.
Luckily, there is a number of high-quality dog raincoats and other gear available that can make my wet weather walks more enjoyable. So what are you waiting for? Let’s take a walk!
Don't Forget To Make Your Dachshund Happy And Check Out Dachshund Favorite Products!
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If you want to prepare your beloved Dachshund for cold weather check out my article: Jackets And Outdoor Gears For Dachshund.
To go out with your dachshund, but not choke him to death check out my article about harnesses: Finding The Best Harness for Dachshund When you are ready to get one check the options available on the market Choosing The Right Harness For Your Dachshund