Everyone has their favorite things: color, food, place, sport, etc. It might come as a surprise to you, but dogs have favorite toys as well, just like how they have a favorite person, favorite spot for napping or favorite food. If you have more than one dog at home, you might have noticed that their favorite toys are not the same (except in rare cases).
Your dog probably carries his favorite toy everywhere he goes. The toy might be worn and covered with drool, but he won’t part with it. You will also have a hard time trying to take the toy from him. Even if you present new toys to your dog, he won’t forsake his favorite one.
There is no obvious reason as to how and why a dog chooses a favorite toy, but there are some possible explanations. Like humans, dogs are unique and dynamic, and so it is difficult to come up with a single reason. His favorite toy can be anything – a soft toy, a ball or even a piece of rope.

Choosing The Favorite Toy
Why your dog has favorited a particular toy might have to do with you. For example, you might have given him a new toy during a happy moment. In addition, sometimes a dog is attracted to something that smells of his favorite person. And if that favorite person is you, then your old sock, toy or shirt might end up becoming your dog’s favorite plaything. His favorite toy might also be an object that you often use with him. For instance, if you regularly play Frisbee with your dog, then your dog might get attached to the Frisbee as it reminds him of a happy playtime with his favorite person.
Your Dog’s Favorite Toy and Their Personality

Would you have ever imagined that a deeper connection existed between a simple toy and your dog? Surprise yourself and read on to learn some interesting facts about toys and your dog.
All dogs have a natural instinct that influences their choice of toy which varies with each breed. Adding to this, age also plays an important role. Puppies tend to choose toys that are suitable for biting or chewing as this helps with their teething process. The opposite happens with mature dogs; they choose softer toys as they might have missing or weak teeth.
We dachshunds were initially bred to hunt animals like badgers, rabbits and wild boar. Similarly, terriers and hounds are hunting dogs. These dog breeds have an inherent need to chase targets. As such, when you throw a ball, we will gladly chase it and fetch it back. These dogs require more physical activity than other breeds and they are generally more active and eager to play. While engaging in this level of physical activity, make sure you keep your dog well hydrated.
Soft Toys

Some breeds like retrievers and labradors are used to fetching prey that’s been shot by their masters. They retrieve the carcasses of a bird or other animal using their mouth, and they handle it with a grip that is not too tight. Soft toys easily take the place of dead prey.
Another reason why dogs, especially females, choose soft toys is because they produce the feeling of nurturing a small puppy. Pregnant dogs, or dogs that have experienced false pregnancies, often exhibit this attachment. But make sure you keep the behavior in check as it could lead to an obsession.
Tug Toys
Breeds like pugs, bulldogs and certain varieties of terriers love tugging at things. This can become a challenge to manage if your dog stays indoors at home. They will tug on your rugs, mats, bedsheets, ropes, curtains and anything else possible. This mainly occurs because these breeds initially traveled in packs to hunt prey. They would tear their prey’s flesh and this tugging behavior is a faded version of it.
Squeaky Toys
You might not have expected this, but squeaky toys remind dogs of the cries of their prey when they are killed. Wild canines hunt their own prey and as you know, dogs and wolves are closely related. The Siberian Husky is a good example. For such breeds, squeaky toys are usually favorites.
Mothering a Toy
This behavior is usually observed in female dogs. They choose toys that resemble a puppy or something that is similarly small and soft; the toy acts as a surrogate baby. They carry it around, lick it constantly and also sleep with it. They are extremely protective of the toy and they only allow one or two people, whom they are very fond of, to touch the toy.

When Should You Intervene?
Though choosing a favorite is up to your dog, there are some cases where you will have to step in and guide him to find a suitable toy. Sometimes, your dog might get attached to a random object that does not really qualify as a toy. For example, some dogs are stubbornly set on chewing and ripping apart your footwear. They then parade around with it and if you remove it from them, they will go after another slipper. Sometimes, they might be attracted to hairbrushes. This can become dangerous if they start ingesting the bristles. It is your responsibility to monitor the kind of things your dog can have access to and it is best you give your dog the option of selected toys from which he can choose his favorite.
It is healthy for a dog to have a favorite toy and there is no reason to worry about it unless your dog displays an aggressive attitude when you try to touch or take the toy. It is okay to be a little possessive, but aggressiveness demands attention. When the dog is alone, a toy can act as a companion. For some dogs that have stress or other emotional problems, a toy can help them relax and lighten their mood. Maybe your dog often comes to greet you with his toy in tow. This is to let you know that it is time to play and that your attention is required. But more than any favorite toy, we love spending time with you.
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