Dachshund Care

Why Do Dogs Bark At 3 AM?

Why Do Dachshunds Bark At 3 AM?

Barking at night is one of the most common nuisance complaints that local authorities receive in urban areas around the world. A dog barking at the unearthly hour of 3 AM is certainly irritating for everyone within hearing distance. A study in Australia revealed that nighttime barking is common in […]

What Smell Do Dachshund Hate The Most?

What Smell Do Dachshunds Hate The Most?

Hi, I am Floppy, a cute little dachshund. I am going to talk about the smells that I simply hate. Compared to humans, dogs have a much better sense of smell. Canines can have more than 300 million olfactory cells that help us navigate the world. Humans have only five […]

Dachshund Body Language Explained

Dachshund’s Body Language Explained

If you want to have a deep relationship with your dachshund, you need to understand his body language. In most cases, what we see tells us more than what we hear. With this in mind, let’s see what your dachshund’s body language has to say! What Does It Mean When […]

How Do You Tell If Your Dog Respects You?

How Do You Tell If Your Dog Respects You?

Wonder what your dog thinks of you? Do they respect you as a leader? Well, this article will help you find out if your dog respects you or not. Here, I discuss dog behavior in detail. Every healthy relationship depends on respect. This rule also applies to humans and dogs. […]

The List of Things Dogs Hates the Most?

The List of Things Dogs Hates the Most

Dogs are one of the best companions in the world, but owning a dog has many challenges and a big learning curve. Dogs aren’t just pets; they are life-sustaining family members. Two dogs are not exactly the same. All of them have hate and fear like us. As a human, […]

Why Dogs Pee Inside House?

Why Dogs Pee Inside House?

Do Dogs Pee Inside To Get Attention? Nothing is more exciting than getting a new dog. Humans love dogs because dogs have friendly and loving personalities. But it can be very frustrating if your dog pees inside the house. Dogs that feel insecure within the family can pee more often to […]

Why Does My Dog’s Vomit Smell Like Poop?

Why Does My Dog’s Vomit Smell Like Poop?

Some dog owners stop being vigilant about what their puppy puts in his mouth once he’s reached a certain age. However, vigilance is best as all dogs, young or older, are at risk for intestinal obstruction. Furthermore, if your dog vomits and it smells like poop, he may have a […]

Why Do Dachshunds Howl?

Why Do Dachshunds Howl?

Howling is one of several different forms of vocal communication that dachshunds use. We howl to gain attention, to make contact with others and also to announce our presence. Some of us also howl as a response to high-pitched sounds like the sirens of emergency vehicles or musical instruments. Problems […]

Can Dachshunds Sense Their Own Death?

Can Dachshunds Sense Their Own Death?

The decision to euthanize your pet can be very difficult. This is why a lot of owners want their dog to communicate to them when it is time to go. Dog owners do not want to be responsible for making this decision. Certainly, they do not want to think that […]

How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

In case the coat of your dachshund has started to look oily or grubby or if there is a doggy smell lingering across the house, you may be wondering if it is the time to give me a bath. If it has been a few months then I may be […]

How Do you Punish a Dog for Not Coming?

How Do you Punish A Dachshund For Not Coming?

Dogs get easily distracted and in some cases, their curiosity drives them toward road accidents. So, it’s important to train your dog to avoid such a mishappening. There are so many things that can distract your dog. “Come” is a basic command, but hard to teach. A proper recall is […]

Do Dachshunds Have Leg Problems?

Do Dachshunds Have Leg Problems?

Most dogs like to run and play outdoors. Unfortunately, knee problems often slow them down. The most common knee problem in dogs is a luxating patella. Dachshunds love to make holes and hunt badgers. They are lovely, funny pets, but they can be somewhat stubborn, so you need to use […]

How Many Times A Day Should A Dachshund Poop?

How Many Times A Day Should A Dachshund Poop?

How many times does a dachshund poop in a day? Believe it or not, this is a really common question. It all depends on your dachshund’s age, size and health. Young dogs cannot control their bladder, so they should be emptied approximately every 30-45 minutes. As the dog matures, she […]

Why Does My Dog Stare At Me While I Eat?

Why Does My Dachshund Stare At Me While I Eat?

There are a lot of perks associated with keeping a dachshund. Not only do you get a round-the-clock best friend, you also get a protector who won’t judge you when you feel like being a couch potato. However, your faithful buddy may have his own idiosyncrasies; for example, he may […]