If you have a bigger dog or a dog that has a thick coat, generally, you need not worry about the dog being in the cold. In fact, a lot of dogs with thick coats like the cold weather and have fun in rain or snow before coming inside and spraying mud in the whole house. But when you have a smaller breed of dog, for example, a dachshund, you may have observed that they’re not very happy going out in cold weather. Sometimes, your dachshund may even shake and tremble if the temperature in the house is less than what they would like it to be. If this happens, they may bury themselves under the blankets and not want to come out. Why do dachshunds do this when other breeds do not? Do dachshunds get cold easily?

The Coat Of The Dachshund
Most dogs naturally have a coat that protects them in all kinds of climate. During the colder months, a dog’s fur retains warmth and in warmer months, it helps in ventilating heat. However, certain breeds have thin fur that does not act as a good insulator. In particular, this is due to the fact that dogs have become more domesticated. Dachshunds may have once had the ability to deal with cold and wet weather, but nowadays, our thin, short fur does not provide much protection. Even long-haired dachshunds do not have very good insulation; even though they have long hair, it is not dense. Likewise, a dachshund’s proximity to the ground means he has to deal with dampness and cold. Your dachshund is also susceptible to medical conditions, like kidney problems and diabetes, which make him more vulnerable when it’s cold. Furthermore, since dachshunds usually live a long time, they will eventually have problems controlling their temperature as they age.
Dachshund owners also need to be concerned about Wet Belly Syndrome. Your dachshund may refuse to go outside during damp weather in order to protect himself. Wet bellies and paws can result in hypothermia or frostbite, especially in the extreme cold. Thin fur and close proximity to the ground makes your dachshund more likely to get cold fast. He will also find it more difficult to get warm again once he has become very cold. It is very important to pay extra attention to your dog when it is cold out; you need to recognize when he might need to be dried off or warmed up.
Exercise In Cold Weather
At the same time, dachshunds are also susceptible to issues related to obesity so it is very important that your dog stays fit and lean by getting regular exercise. Obesity can result in several problems in dachshunds because of their long backs. These problems can include slipped disc or nerve damage that can threaten your dog’s future ability to walk. To keep him safe, you may be tempted to not take him outside during the cold, but he will still need to be walked. One way to address this conundrum is to provide your dachshund with a sweater or other clothing when he is cold. Pay extra attention to your dog in cold weather; don’t miss signals that he is cold. He may be constantly balking about going outside or always sitting near the heater or fireplace or completely cover himself in blankets. Watch for these behaviors.

Dog Clothing
Although dog clothing is a controversial issue, small dog breeds like dachshunds with their thin hair can really benefit from the additional warmth, particularly during the cold months. The protective clothing is also helpful when you are going to take your dog out for a walk. It can keep him safe from rain, snow, wind or dampness, and protect against issues like hypothermia. As we have read, keeping your furry friend warm is very important.
Other Solutions
If you notice your dog is still shivering or feeling cold after taking all the precautions, it is a good idea to take your dachshund to the vet for an overall examination. It is possible that your dog may be having some health issues resulting in problems with regulating his body temperature. The sooner such an issue is discovered, the sooner it can be handled and the safer your pup will be. If your dachshund is older, he will certainly benefit from warm clothes, even indoors. Age can also affect your dog’s ability to regulate his body temperature.
In the beginning, it may be difficult for your dog to adjust to clothing, but once he realizes that he is being kept warm, he will love his clothes.
Dachshunds are very loyal to their owners and they are great pets. It is important to return their loyalty by fulfilling their needs. Compared to other breeds, we are more prone to discomfort, cold and damp because of our small stature and thin hair. In general, we will benefit from weather protection, sweaters, and other winter gear. Keep your dachshund comfortable to ensure that you two enjoy lots of fun for many years together. Leaving your dachshund outside for an extended period is not a good idea at all. If, for some reason, you cannot keep your dachshund inside when it is cold, you should make sure that you have provided him with proper shelter.
Dachshunds have a lot of confidence, are independent, and act as if they can do nearly everything that their owners do. However, they are no longer built to endure extreme weather conditions, and it is your responsibility to keep your dachshund warm and sheltered during the cold months.