Lafora disease in Dachshund

Lafora Disease In Dachshund

Hello everyone, Floppy here. As a member of the dachshund community, I feel obligated to tell you about Lafora disease. All dachshunds are vulnerable to this form of hereditary, progressive myoclonic epilepsy. Lafora disease is found in nearly 5% of dogs, affecting my breed in particular. Both male and female dachshunds can be affected as Lafora disease is not gender-specific. Furthermore, the disease onset is not seen until later.

Symptoms start to show when a dachshund reaches 5 to 6 years of age. The primary symptom is a jerking motion, which is caused by a neurological dysfunction. Certain sounds, movements, and light sensitivity can induce the jerking. The disease develops with time; chances are high that symptoms will worsen, and an affected dog can develop ataxia, dementia, and total blindness.

Dachshund's Lafora Disease

At first, you might think your dog is not behaving well, or that something is not right, but it may be the initial symptoms of Lafora disease so it is better to keep an eye out!

Causes Of Lafora Disease

This disease is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the EPM2B (NHLRC1) gene, which is responsible for the manufacturing of a protein involved in carbohydrate metabolizing. Similar proteins are also involved in clearing out the unnecessary accumulation of protein in brain cells. The collection of these proteins then disrupts normal brain functioning, which affects a dog’s neurological control and causes the jerking motion.

Moreover, Lafora disease is recessive and inherited, and unfortunately, no test can detect the presence of the gene at an early stage. If your dog has a single copy of the abnormal gene, then he will not show any symptoms of the disease, but if both genes are present, then your dog will be affected by Lafora disease. Furthermore, even if your dog’s parents do not show any sign of the disease, their offspring can still be affected.


Symptoms do not start to show at an early age, and they are very subtle at the beginning. With the passage of time, symptoms grow worse, and the condition can lead to the development of other diseases as well. Symptoms include repetitive jerking, twitching, or shaking of the head, sometimes in a backward direction. This myoclonus, or muscle spasming, condition is a response to external stimuli, such as: noise, certain types of motion, and light flickering. Over time, dogs affected by the disease become even more sensitive to all the triggering factors.

Muscle spasms can also strike your dog as he sleeps. The occurrence of epileptic seizures is another development of Lafora disease. Another symptom looks a lot like a panic attack, during which your dog may exhibit an overly high-pitched vocal expression.


Consult a trusted veterinary for diagnosis of Lafora disease. Before you go, be sure to review your dog’s medical history. A vet will surely ask you about your dog’s family line, as well as about his diet. Also mention when you first started to observe symptoms, their frequency, and how severe the condition has become since that time.

The vet is likely to perform a physical examination. Furthermore, a vet will usually rely on biochemical and hematological tests for diagnosing the disease. Another diagnostic method is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which will reveal any structural brain disorder. Some vets may also suggest performing a nerve biopsy as this will help in detecting if there are any indications of the disease present in the muscles and liver of your dog.


If Lafora disease is diagnosed, make sure to follow all of the vet’s suggestions. You should avoid triggering elements, such as flickering light and certain sounds. Diagnosis will lead to several changes in your dog’s lifestyle. Sun is a known triggering element, so you can either avoid exposing your dog to too much light or go for sunglasses called “Doggles.” Doggles will be particularly useful when taking your dog for a walk.

You will also need to make changes to your dog’s diet. He should eat foods that have a low glycemic index; this type of diet tends to improve the condition. Foods rich in starch and sugar could worsen symptoms. An antioxidant-rich diet will help protect your dog’s brain from oxidative damage that can further aggravate the condition.

Recovery And Follow Up

This disease is expected to develop progressively over time. Although the disease is not fatal, it is highly regressive and sometimes an owner might opt for euthanasia. To improve the condition, you should comply with all of the instructions given by the vet. A combination of medication, antioxidant-rich food, and avoidance of triggering factors will help prevent you from having to consider the unimaginable.

Minimizing triggering factors can be difficult, but it is certainly worth your dog’s life to try. Modifications can improve your dog’s lifestyle and also make him safer. Moderate levels of exercise can improve their mood and behavior. Along with medication, your love, attention, and care are exactly what your dog needs to help him cope with the symptoms of Lafora disease.

Along with adopting improvement measures, make sure to pay attention to any change in symptoms. It might be a good idea to maintain a journal where you can write about the frequency and intensity of your dog’s twitching and jerking.


Dachshunds have a higher chance of being affected by Lafora disease. The disease is a genetically inherited, recessive disorder, and symptoms might not present until 5 or 6 years of age. The signs include repetitive jerking and twitching, weakening eyesight, an abnormal response to certain motions, and excessive photosensitivity. A vet will have different methods at his or her disposal to confirm the presence of Lafora disease. If your dog is diagnosed, you should follow a vet’s suggestions for treatment. At the end of the day, it is going to be your love and affection that will help your dog cope the best.

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