Are Dachshunds Really An Aggressive Breed?

Some people often worry about adopting a dachshund because they fret over whether or not they will be able to control or pacify him. They wonder if they will end up in a tussle as a result of their new dog biting a neighbor or harming a little human. But this is not the case. Yes, dachshunds can be a little egotistical and aggressive and may sometimes end up blowing a gasket, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot be trained. Training does require a little effort, patience and persistence on our owner’s part, but if you succeed, then you earn a lifelong cute and adorable companion who excitedly wags his tail when you appear before him! You humans really love it when we do that, don’t you?

I know you humans have a lot of questions about our aggressive behavior, so let’s try to answer some now.

Are Dachshunds Really An Aggressive Breed?

Are Dachshunds Good With Cats?

I have heard my owner tell her children to not fight like cats and dogs. Personally, I do not get where that phrase came from. I have a cat friend myself; she lives in the neighborhood. We get along pretty well and sometimes spend our time watching our humans perform weird activities like moving as if they have got ants all over them. Apparently, they do that to express joy and call it ‘dancing’. Told you, humans are weird!

Dachshunds are, by instinct, a dominant breed. They like to dominate and this desire for dominance can make us act aggressively. But that doesn’t mean we cannot get along with other animals. Just like every other thing, this also takes practice and patience.

Whether or not a dachshund and a cat get along depends on a number of factors. One of these factors is their individual personalities and past experiences. If a dachshund has had a bad experience with a cat before, chances are that he will probably act hostile towards her. If you want these two animals to be friends, the best way to go about it is to adopt a kitten and a dachshund puppy. If these two are around each other from the start, chances are they will develop a bond.

If you already have a dachshund in the house and decide to bring in a kitten, then it’s better to start slowly. Introduce them in a neutral surrounding. After you bring the kitten home, devote a little area of the house to her, a place where your doggy is not allowed. Do this until the dachshund becomes used to the cat’s presence. Also, it’s a good idea to use mesh net gates so the two can stay apart, but can still see each other. This will help them get used to each other’s presence in the house and slowly, they will start bonding.

Are Dachshunds Good With Cats?

Are Dachshunds Dangerous?

If you have ever adopted a dachshund or had one in your neighborhood, you may know that dachshunds start displaying aggressive behavior as early as six months of age (Don’t give me that look, I have seen human babies throw a fit at an early age). Punishing or beating us will not get you anywhere; we are a little stubborn that way. If you use positive and negative reinforcement when teaching us what is good behavior and what is bad behavior, we may learn slowly and steadily. If you have a dachshund that refuses to learn even with reinforcements, then maybe it’s time to get some professional help.

With our cute faces and tiny frames that win hearts (especially women’s hearts) within seconds, you can probably guess how dangerous a breed we are. No kidding!

Why Are Dachshunds Stubborn?

Historically, dachshunds were bred in Germany where we were used as hunting dogs. That’s where we got our names from. In German, ‘dach’ means ‘badger’, while ‘hund’ means ‘hound’. Since we were hunting dogs and were trained to make decisions for ourselves, we are an independent and smart breed. This independence creates a streak of stubbornness in us. But worry not, if you are not easily scared and can manage to assert yourself as your dachshund’s leader, then he will tone down his stubborn streak. But do take care to not indulge or encourage our stubborn behavior or it can lead to frequent dachshund meltdowns.

Why Do Dachshund Puppies Bite?

As mentioned above, dachshunds are a hunting breed and as such, biting is second nature to us, especially when we are small puppies and do not know better. If that habit is not controlled in our early years, then it might worsen as we grow old. My human made sure that she communicated to me that biting was not appreciated. In my early years, when I would try to bite anything and everything, she would tell me a firm ‘no’ and sometimes practiced withholding positive reinforcements to state her point clearly. I hated it and so soon learned my lesson.

Do Dachshunds kill snakes, rabbits or rats?

Yes. Per our name and purpose, dachshunds can hunt animals. We are pretty good at chasing and we are really fast. In case you are tired of snakes or rats damaging your stuff and are thinking about adopting a pet dog, you should go for a dachshund. We can help you with mice problems.

Can Dachshunds Be Destructive?

Can Dachshunds Be Destructive?

My breed can have chewing issues. We can chew anything we see: shoes, furniture, toys, etc. After all, we are dogs and we have really cute puppy eyes – can’t you endure a little chewing for that?

The good news is that chewing issues can be easily gotten rid of. They are usually temporary as we usually overgrow this habit. Also, we are smart dogs so it’s not that hard for you to train us to let go of this destructive habit. If your dachshund is grown and still chewing, you should try to stop it. Moreover, we dachshunds are an active breed, so when we feel bored and lonely, we might start chewing on stuff. In order to put a stop it, you should try to keep us active and busy; maybe play with us or take us on walks, whatever you find easy. This can help me stop chewing.


Dachshunds are a hunting breed. We are athletes that have lots of stamina and energy. We do not mind covering a few miles every day to stay fit and we can chase really fast. We also have a loud bark that can scare humans. People prefer to have us as pets because we are good watchdogs. Dachshunds are even known to bite strangers if they sense danger, but that is for safety purposes.

All in all, my brothers and I can prove dangerous if we feel we are in danger. Otherwise, our cute smiles and sweet faces are the most dangerous weapons we’ve got.

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