Squeaky Toys For Dogs

Are Squeaky Toys Bad For Dogs?

If you are a new dog owner, I am sure you have a million questions regarding your new doggy friend. As you are aware, choosing suitable toys for your dog is very important. While some toys may seem like positive influences or good companions, some might lead to increased aggressiveness. Also, know that each dog is unique and has its own personality; not all dogs can play with balls and bones. Dogs can play with anything they get their mouths on, but not every object can qualify as a safe and suitable toy. So it is up to you to understand your dog and then choose his toy.

Not every dog will love a squeaky toy, but the ones who love them can be really difficult to live with. If you have a dog with a squeaky toy, I am sure you are annoyed by the squeak, squeak, squeak all day and night. If your dog is inside the home, you will have to put up with that squeaky noise, so good luck handling those headaches.

Squeaky Toys For Dogs

Why Do Dogs Like Squeaky Toys?

A simple theory suggests that dogs love squeaky toys because of a cause and effect mechanism. Every time they bite or press the toy, a noise is emitted. This activates the reward center of the brain, causing pleasant and satisfying feelings that encourage your dog to play more and make more noise.

Squeaky Toys For Dogs

Do Squeaky Toys Stimulate Prey Drive?

Did you know that your dog belongs to the family of wolves? Dogs are descendants of wolves, so they have a natural instinct to hunt and kill prey. Wild dogs and dogs that were used for hunting are used to killing smaller animals or birds and the squeaky toy resembles the cries of the prey. It doesn’t matter if your dog is a poodle or a Chihuahua, they come from a line of predators and they still possess at least a small trace of predatory instinct.

You might also have noticed that dogs tend to be more aggressive toward squeaky toys and they keep biting and trying to rip them apart. The explanation is that predators have the aim of killing their prey before feeding on it and in the same way, your dog will not stop biting the squeaky toy until it is ripped open, the squeaker is out and there is no more noise. A dog also tends to lose interest in the toy once there is no more noise. This is because the mission is accomplished; his prey is dead.

Do They Encourage Dogs to Bite More?

Squeaky Toys For Dogs

Some believe that dogs that are familiar or obsessed with squeaky toys develop a tendency to bite more. However, this claim is debatable. A dog might be encouraged to bite the toy more, and not direct this same behavior toward humans. If your dog bites you and you react, he will usually stop biting and not continue the behavior. Another fact that disapproves this claim is that dogs are not capable of generalizing information like humans. So it is highly unlikely for your dog to behave the same way toward you as it does toward his squeaky toy.

The Risks And Dangers Involved In Squeaky Toys For Dogs

One of the main factors why dog trainers, books and dog owners will advise you against giving squeaky toys to your dog is because they might cause aggressiveness. Squeaky toys are also known to cause hyperactivity. For some dogs, the squeakers might induce and activate their predatory drive to dangerous levels. After this, it might become impossible to control your dog. Sometimes this aggressive behavior is often directed at babies or small animals.

The squeakers in the toys are also a choking hazard. As mentioned above, dogs are done with the toy only when they get the squeaker out. And as you know, squeakers are very small in size and can easily be swallowed. This might lead to choking, bloating and other situations that could require surgery. Squeaky toys can even become deadly if the dog is alone at home for long periods of time with no one to monitor him.


If you notice that the toy is missing its squeaker or there is no noise anymore, there is a chance that your dog may have swallowed it by accident. Here are a few symptoms that you need to look for to determine if the squeaker might be in your dog.

  • Vomiting
  • Refusal to eat. This is a major part of an early warning system. If your dog is a good eater and he expresses a sudden hesitation or disinterest in eating, something could be wrong.
  • Diarrhea, constipation or other unusual bowel movements
  • Lethargy or inactiveness
  • Constant gagging or burping
  • Behavioral changes

It is best to contact your vet immediately if you notice these symptoms. Moreover, the squeaker can pass out of your dog’s body through feces, depending on the location it is lodged in. If it is lodged in the small intestine, it might lead to bloating, which is very dangerous.

Squeaky Toys For Puppies

One of the key rules for picking out toys for puppies is that there must be no parts that can be ripped off and accidentally ingested. And as you now know, most squeaky toys have small squeakers in them that are hazardous to your puppy. Also, if you notice that your puppy has developed an obsession for destroying the toy to make it stop squeaking, then it is highly advisable to remove that toy or let the pup use the toy only under supervision.

Squeaky Toys For Dogs

Squeaky Toys and You

Another reason why dogs prefer squeaky toys is that they are a great tool to grab your attention. You might be watching a movie or talking on the phone and it is impossible for you to miss that squeaker’s noise. Each time the squeaking streak begins, you are bound to glance at your dog and this attention encourages them to continue the act.


Not just squeaky toys, but any small toy must be given to your dog only under your supervision. Even if it is a piece of thick rope, dogs have the ability to keep chewing on it and then swallow the small pieces that come off. If your situation is such that your dog is alone for a significant amount of time, make sure he has big and safe toys like semi-inflated footballs or verified toys from the pet store.

As you know by now, each dog is different and their relationship with a toy is also different. Maybe your dog loves squeaky toys just because of the extra noise which causes excitement. So if you give your dog a squeaky toy, make sure you monitor their attitude toward the toy and then decide if you can allow the dog to hold on to its squeaky friend.

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