One of the peculiar features of dogs, in general, is that they tend to chew almost anything and everything. Dachshunds, of course, have this habit as well. Puppies especially develop a fascination for anything new and their first move is to lick it, bite it or chew it. Among all the things we dogs love to chew, rocks and pebbles are very common. This behavior is puzzling, but don’t think your dog is the only one that does this; plenty of dogs have this problem. However, the reasons behind the development of this habit differ with each dog. It is your responsibility to find out why your dog chews rocks.

Risks Of Eating Rocks
Chewing rocks is very harmful for dogs as the sharp edges or hard material might cause damage to the mouth and teeth. If ingested, it could lead to more serious complications; it might get stuck in the throat and lead to choking. So it is important to watch for this behavior and seek remedies as quickly as possible.
Pica is a psychological condition that occurs in dogs that compels them to chew and ingest things that are not food items. The behavior is compulsive and acts as a neurosensory explorative mechanism for dogs to make sense of the world; this is why dogs tend to lick or chew any new item they see. Foreign objects can be of any material: metal, paper, rock, plastic, cloth or even poop. This behavior can be very dangerous as the ingestion of these items may cause damage to the digestive system and might also lead to choking.
Though this behavior is typically found in puppies, breeds like dachshunds and labradors can exhibit it lifelong.
Symptoms Of Pica

Apart from chewing all kinds of objects, there are other symptoms that could indicate your dog has pica. You must also look out for symptoms that can occur after your dog has accidentally swallowed something.
- Vomiting
- Bowel movement changes – diarrhea or constipation
- Constant burping
- Choking
- Sneezing or coughing
- Poisoning – if your dog accidentally ingests any kind of chemical substance
- Lethargy
Causes Of Pica
Most causes of Pica are due to psychological factors, but there are some medical causes as well, and it is best to consult your vet to find the root cause and take measures accordingly.
Psychological Causes:
- Depression
- Separation Anxiety
- Lack of social activity
- Attention seeking personality
- Stress
- Lack of physical and mental stimulation
Other Causes:
- Neurological disease
- Teething in puppies
- Malnutrition
- Diabetes
- Vitamin or Calcium deficiency
- Parasitic infections
- Anemia
- Inflammatory bowel disease
Treatment Of Pica

You can treat pica based on the type of condition your dog has. If it is a psychological cause, you can increase social activity, spend more time together and reduce boredom. If it is a medical cause, then you can treat it accordingly. For nutrition-related causes, you can change your dog’s diet to make sure he has a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. If any medication is necessary, take it according to the vet’s instructions, or if an existing medication is causing the problem, then discontinue it.
You can buy special chew toys for your dog to prevent him from going after other materials.
Other Factors That Cause Dogs To Chew Rocks
- Deficiency – Vitamin and calcium deficiency are major factors that induce this behavior. In order to make up for the lack of certain nutrients in their diet, dogs tend to chew and ingest rocks to gain nutrients from them.
- Loneliness – If your dog is at home all day while everyone is out at work or school, it is highly likely that he will develop this habit out of loneliness or boredom. In this case, either make sure your dog has enough options to keep himself entertained at home or try leaving him at a doggy daycare.
- Diabetes – Dachshunds and other dogs can develop diabetes mellitus. If this is the case, then the rock-chewing behavior is explained and you can take necessary measures after consulting your vet.
- Worms – If you do not regularly deworm your dog, then he might develop this rock-chewing tendency. So make sure you follow the deworming schedule.
- Bloat – If your dog suffers from bloat, he might develop this habit. Visit your vet immediately as bloat is deadly for dogs.
How To Get Your Dog To Stop Chewing Rocks?

- The most important step is clearing your dog’s surroundings of any small objects that might attract him. If he lives in a kennel, this task will be easy and you only have to check his surroundings when you let him out. However, it is more challenging if your dog lives inside at home; in addition to keeping such objects out of reach, you might have to take other steps as well.
- Basket muzzle: It might seem cruel to some, but remember that you are doing this for the welfare of your dog. Especially for dogs inside houses, muzzles are a good solution. This is just temporary and after a few weeks of practice, your dog will forget his old habit.
- Use positive and negative reinforcement to make your dog drop the habit. Every time he drops a rock on your command, give him a treat and if he is stubborn and doesn’t drop the rock, you can dole out a small punishment like giving a time-out or making a loud noise. A key point to note here is that you must have accurate timing; each time the dog picks up a rock, you must enforce the negative punishment so that he can correctly associate both acts.
- If your dachshund is still a puppy, then it is best to train him right now as training later on is very hard. Teach the ‘leave it’ command and use it every time he picks up a rock.
- More than anything else, it is essential that you spend enough time with your dog. We love attention and we love playing with you. This quality time will remove any depressed or anxious feelings and your dog will be happier and more active. In particular, highly energetic dogs will continually chew rocks or stones if you don’t address their boredom. So make sure you go out on regular walks and get in lots of playtime.
- Get durable toys for your dog to chew so that there are fewer reasons for him to seek rocks or other foreign objects.
- Maintain a healthy and balanced diet that is complete with all the nutrients required for your dog. Also, make sure he finishes every meal and give him a few healthy treats now and then. Also, follow the vaccine and tablet schedule given by your vet.
Chewing inedible products is a natural instinct for dogs. Though some may grow out of it after a particular stage, others will continue to do so. You can change this behavior by constantly reinforcing and monitoring your dog. The easiest way to avoid this habit is by spending sufficient time with your dog every day and not letting him feel neglected or bored. Maintaining a healthy diet and monitoring his surroundings are other essential factors.
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