Prepare Yourself To Have A Lot Of Fun When You Are Bringing A Dachshund Home

Preparing your house for the arrival of a new dachshund requires a high level of diligence. If your house is not dachshund proof, I will gnaw on or swallow nearly anything and I can get myself into trouble very easily or even hurt myself. So how are you going to prepare yourself for having a lot of fun with your dachshund when you decide to bring one home? You need to make your house Dachs-proof! In order to do so, you need to see the world from the point of view of your dog. Now get busy making certain modifications before your puppy can be let loose in the house.

Prepare Yourself To Have A Lot Of Fun When You Are Bringing A Dachshund Home

Get Ready For A Demolition Dog

Some people may be surprised by much mess I can create in the house. Keep all collectibles well above the level I can reach or even put away for some time. Dachshund puppies are particularly exuberant and curious, and they have not yet learned what areas are off-limits for them. It is a good idea to protect the breakables in the house in the same way you would if you were having a child.

The World Is My Chew Toy

Even though I am small, I have a big mouth. I also love to chew almost anything. Whatever I can get my teeth on will be considered fair game. The best way to deal with this situation is to have plenty of chew toys on hand. They should be kept all across the house so that a toy is always within my reach.

Prepare Yourself To Have A Lot Of Fun When You Are Bringing A Dachshund Home

Choking Hazards

It is a good idea to take a look around for any small objects on the floor or within the reach of your dachshund. Rubber bands, bottle caps, loose screws, the strength of thread, small blocks or even small wads of paper are all going to fit in my mouth. String-like objects can result in internal damage to your dog. You should also avoid giving cat toys to your dachshund. Even mini dachshunds are much more determined compared to cats, and they can break up the toy, creating several choking hazards as a result.

Put Away Poisons

When a chew-happy puppy is present in the house, there are several things in the house that pose a poisoning risk. Common household items like cleaners, pesticides, coffee grounds, types of medicines, or even foods may prove to be dangerous. When you are looking for poisons in the house, you should include your garage as well as your yard.

Beds, Ledges, And Couches

It is simply impossible to keep many of us off of beds and couches. Often, we will get down before you have a chance to stop us. Ramps can help. So does learning to recognize when your pet is going to jump. You need to decide the most suitable solution for your household.


A major issue that requires consideration while Dachs-proofing your house is how to make the stairs Dachs-friendly. A baby gate at the top and at the bottom of the stairs is one solution. One alternative for outside is to install a ramp.

Prepare Yourself To Have A Lot Of Fun When You Are Bringing A Dachshund Home

Dealing With Diggers

I love to dig nearly as much as I love to chew. You might consider reserving me a few carpet squares or remnants so that I can dig and scratch on them to my heart’s content.

I am an odd-shaped little pup, but I have been bred to be a fierce hunter. My broad paws and strong legs and chest allow me to borrow into the den of my prey. I am also an extremely smart breed, and I need activities that stimulate both my mind and body. It is important for dachshund owners to find activities for their dog that are somewhat challenging, but that cannot involve jumping. My elongated body makes jumping generally unsafe. Furthermore, although I am small, I have the ability to dash quickly.

Agility Exercise

You might consider setting up an obstacle course for me, as I am likely to enjoy it, but any jumps involved in the activities should be kept pint-sized, keeping in view my size and the fact that I am particularly prone to back problems. Moreover, even though I am prone to weight gain and I may appear to be quite plump, the reality is that I am quite athletic and I am always looking for activity. You can use pillows and blankets to create a digging area inside the home. Simply show me a treat and hide it in the pile then I will dig away. This activity will satisfy my need for digging. Remember that my brain has been developed to burrow into the dens of my prey.

Setting It Up

You should gather all the items and different station should be set up for my agility training. For example, you can put a broomstick across two empty flowerpots. However, the flowerpot should not be too high as my elongated spine makes me prone to back problems.

Training Time

In order to show your Dachshund puppy what you expect of him regarding the jumping obstacle, after it has been set up, take me to the obstacle, then say ‘jump’. You can hold a treat in your hand and then repeat the command. After the puppy has jumped over the obstacle, you can reward him with a treat. The same command can be repeated as required.

Digging Time

Prepare Yourself To Have A Lot Of Fun When You Are Bringing A Dachshund Home

As with the digging activity mentioned above, when you are ready for your doxie to start digging, you should give the command ‘dig’. After significant practice, eventually, your puppy will see the pile of pillows and associate them with the game of digging.

Hide And Seek

By nature, I am a hunter so games that capitalize on my hunting instincts will keep me sharp, physically and mentally. Hide and seek can be played indoors or it may be played outdoors. However, one needs to be cautious while playing the game outdoors. Either way, it should be played in an enclosed area so I don’t run away while I am unleashed. I am also natural-born scent hound. A chew toy, a tennis ball or an old shoe can be selected as the object. With some repetition, your dog will understand the game. In fact, I may even find a hiding spot for the object and start a game with my owner.

Introduce The Game

First, show me the object and say ‘ball’ or ‘shoe’. You may want me to associate a word with that object. You should also allow me to smell the object.

Practice Makes Perfect

The first few times you play this game with me, you may have to show me the place where you have hidden the object. You should praise me as if I have discovered the object. You may also give me a treat when I am successful. You should always ask “where is my shoe” in order to start the game. After some practice sessions, I am sure to surprise my owner with the ease in which I can find the object. At this point, my owner can try to raise the difficulty level.


Prepare Yourself To Have A Lot Of Fun When You Are Bringing A Dachshund Home

Dachshunds have an innate desire to chase their prey. You can include one of my favorite toys in this game. Or you can use a toy that has a built-in string attached to it. Either way, hold it behind you for the purpose of encouraging me to chase the ‘prey’. This activity will provide me physical as well as mental stimulation, and it can be done indoors or outdoors. However, you may want to start the training of this activity indoors. Later on, you can take the ‘prey’ and throw it over your head and encouraged me to chase it.

Prepare The Toy

For this purpose, attach a thin nylon rope to the toy, then either drag the toy, or after the dog has caught on to what you expect in this game, you may twirl the toy and simulate a chase. Certain toys come with a rope already attached to them, butut it is a good idea to train to your dachshund with a toy that he already likes.

Chase And Catch

This is very simple. You may want to train me for this activity by dragging the toy and then allowing me to catch it from time to time. When you allow me to catch the toy, you should give me praise and a treat. Eventually, you can work up to running and twirling the toy above your head while I chase you.

Go Fetch

Like most dogs, I love playing fetch. A tennis ball is just the right size for me. You can start this game in the hallway of your home. By rolling the ball in the room, you can encourage your dachshund puppy to chase the ball. When he has picked up the ball, ask him to come back. When he returns with the ball, praise him. You should also work on the command ‘Give’. When the dog has dropped the ball in your hand, you should give them a treat. The same activity can be repeated many, many times.

Hunting For Dinner

This is a variation of the digging game. In this case, my owner can hide treats in not-so-obvious areas of the house. You may even decide to leave a small pile of kibble instead.

I am an intelligent, delightful, lovable and loyal breed of dog. I do not have any problems fitting into nearly any type of household. I only need moderate exercise. I can also easily adapt to living in small apartments. I can be described as an inside pet. I can be an ideal pet for families with small children, but it is important that the children know how to treat me. I also make a perfect companion. I am warm and affectionate, but I also serve as a wonderful watchdog.


If you play with me, it will help strengthen the bond between us. You may want to create games that are based on your doxie’s instinct to hunt, scent and dig. Similarly, if you play hide and seek with me, it will allow me to use the hunter and gatherer instinct for which I was bred. Every time I am allowed to dig, I am putting positive energy into this activity. At the same time, by indulging in positive activities, I won’t be destructive in the house or the yard. You may even consider creating a small digging area with sand or mulch, where I can play to my heart’s content. However, it is very important to provide the right training so that I am aware of where the playing area is. Finally, remember that I am particularly prone to weight gain so in this way, creativity is very important for my health.

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